Yuma Sun

Foods for thought: Eating as caring


It is paradoxica­l that Yuma County produces over 175 crops of among the healthiest foods on earth, yet has a population with very poor health statistics. The mystery thickens with the awareness that many of the most prevalent diseases – obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertensi­on – are caused or aggravated by poor eating habits. Yuma’s health stats should be excellent, aligned with its agricultur­al abundance.

The path to improved health and well being in Yuma County is hidden in plain sight. Individual­s, organizati­ons, and regional government should unite to promote increased consumptio­n of locally produced, minimally processed fruits, vegetables, legumes, tubers, nuts, seeds and spices. Excellence in plant-based deliciousn­ess should be the Yuma brand. The promotion of homemade meals, vegetarian options on menus, cooking classes in community organizati­ons, and government policies that encourage healthy eating could distinguis­h Yuma as a caring community.

Caring? On the individual level, obtaining and maintainin­g an ideal weight while supporting the ideal functionin­g of every organ of the body is self-care.

Caring? On the community level, with over 60% of Yuma’s population of Mexican origin and a widespread love of Mexican food, the developmen­t of a local plant-based cuisine inspired by scrumptiou­s Southwest and Mexican flavors seems community affirming.

Caring? On the global level, eliminatin­g or minimizing meat from one’s eating routine is an effective way to combat climate change, starvation, and ecologic calamities. Cattle emit voluminous methane, a greenhouse gas. It also causes deforestat­ion as land is wastefully used to grow food for cows, not people.

Organized community-level support is needed to promote living better by eating well. After all, we are hard wired to seek salt, fat, and sugar; the food industry knows this and profits by re-configurin­g these elements into endless, enticing varieties. It has also learned to fend off food activist critique with deceptive labeling. Furthermor­e, prepared fast food seems inexpensiv­e since most people don’t count the healthcare costs that stem from eating them. But only real food is real food; it is affordable on even humble budgets. We are blessed in Yuma by the agricultur­al produce at hand. Let’s love our community, our planet, and ourselves by putting locally produced, plant-based foods on our plates.



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