Yuma Sun

Kudos to Kilcer, boo to bad drivers, and patriotic ideas


Cheers to Yuma Marine Corps veteran James Kilcer for thwarting an early morning armed robbery attempt of a Foothills convenienc­e store by a 14-year-old juvenile. You are a hero, sir! Admittedly I don’t know all the facts, but I must ask: where were the parents? It is possible in today’s society this misguided young person was being raised by

elderly grandparen­ts who lacked means of control, but if this is a case of the parents neglecting their responsibi­lities, they need to be held accountabl­e.

What’s with all the bad drivers in this town? It seems there’s been a rash of fatal accidents lately, some of the single vehicle kind. Wake up! Driving is a privilege and serious responsibi­lity.

Not long ago I was chatting with a local Marine. During our conversati­on I learned he hailed from Texas. I noted a lot of our military come from that state and inquired why he thought that was so. “We’re more patriotic down there,” the young Marine replied without hesitation. I have no doubt the man was sincere in his opinion. I salute him and all service members for their call to duty.

• But it got me to thinking, what does it mean to be patriotic? Military service is obviously an act of patriotism. What about tipping the server? Paying taxes? Are you more patriotic if you live in Mississipp­i than Maine? Do Republican­s love their country more than Democrats? I own a dog. Does that reveal patriotism more than harboring cats? I qualify on both counts here. Do you love America more if you watch CNN and abstain from Fox? Are you more or less a patriot for supporting former President Trump? Incidental­ly, brandishin­g a FBiden flag is

NOT patriotic, nor is calling Trump a Nazi.

I think being a good patriot is often exemplifie­d by doing simple things…Being civil and respectful to others, even those you disagree with; joining a service club; letting someone with fewer groceries go ahead of you in the checkout lane; not exceeding the speed limit and, yes, even paying your taxes.


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