Yuma Sun

Thumbs up, down from the Yuma Sun


• Thumbs up to the newest graduates of Arizona Western College, Northern Arizona University-Yuma, University of Arizona and Arizona State University who walked the line May 13 at AWC. Congrats – and best of luck as you embark onward to your next step in life!

• Thumbs up to Gila Ridge High School teacher Matthew Zaksheske, who recently received the

Navy Impact Influencer Award. Zaksheske was nominated by former student Bailey Phillip Bacon for going above and beyond to have a meaningful impact on students’ lives.

• Thumbs up to the $82 million in federal funding coming to the Yuma area, which will be used to repair and improve outdated water systems and projects. The funding is part of the Infrastruc­ture Investment and Jobs law, and will be used for 26 projects locally, according to the Bureau of Reclamatio­n. It’s a great investment in Yuma.

• Thumbs up to the Yuma County library system, which has been recognized nationally for its efforts to help toddlers get an early start on language and literacy skills. The recognitio­n is thanks to the library system’s Smart Start Kits, which parents can check out to help little ones learn how to read. Our libraries work hard to engage patrons with fun, engaging materials, and we’re delighted to see them recognized for their efforts.

• Thumbs up to the Phoenix Suns for an awesome season. We’re bummed they didn’t go all the way – and frankly, Game 7 was a disappoint­ment for Suns fans, losing to the Mavericks 123-90. However, we’re excited to see what the Suns can do next season.

• Thumbs down to the massive drug smuggling tunnel between Tijuana and San Diego. Officials announced the discovery on Monday, noting the tunnel ran the length of a football field, and had rail and ventilatio­n systems, electricit­y and reinforced walls, the Associated Press reports. Cocaine, meth and heroin were seized in connection with the investigat­ion. We’re glad the tunnel was found. However, it makes one really consider the lengths smugglers will go to – and it’s scary to think how much illegal goods this tunnel could have moved.

• Thumbs down to the discovery of six bodies in San Luis Rio Colorado, Son., all presumed to be execution victims found in clandestin­e graves and other sites around the city over the course of a week. The violence there shows no sign of slowing down, which is incredibly concerning.

• Thumbs down to people who are taking advantage of the baby formula shortage, selling formula at inflated prices or running scams related to formula. The Federal Trade Commission issued warnings this week, cautioning parents to be wary. Seriously, people? When you feel the need to take advantage of a baby and its worried, scared parents, you’ve got serious problems.

Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down are compiled by the Yuma Sun editorial board, based on recent events, happenings and activities around Yuma County and the nation, and will appear on Fridays in the Yuma Sun.

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