Viet Nam News

German MEP quits job that sparked furious criticism of von der Leyen


A German MEP has said he would not be taking up a job that had sparked furious criticism of his ally, EU chief Ursula von der Leyen, as she bids for a second term.

At the end of January, Markus Pieper, a German lawmaker from von der Leyen's party, was nominated for the highly paid post of European Commission envoy for small and medium-sized enterprise­s.

A furore erupted after the appointmen­t amid claims that two women also in the running were much better qualified.

Last week the European Parliament passed a non-binding vote demanding that Pieper's appointmen­t be scrapped.

Four senior EU officials - foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, internal market commission­er Thierry Breton, economy commission­er Paolo Gentiloni and jobs commission­er Nicolas Schmit - have also challenged the hiring.

The commission headed by von der Leyen has insisted that proper rules and procedures were followed.

Pieper was due to start his fouryear post yesterday, but on Monday said he would not be doing so, accusing in particular Breton of "partisan politics".

"Given the way with which Breton has blocked my taking up my functions since the start... I don't see any possibilit­y of meeting the expectatio­ns of this post," Pieper told the Germany daily Handelsbla­tt on Monday evening.

Von der Leyen's spokesman said in a statement that "the presidency both respects and regrets Markus Pieper's decision to renounce taking up the functions" of the post.

"The president has decided to suspend the re-opening of the selection process for the post... until after European elections" in June, Eric Mamer said.

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