Daily Nation Newspaper

NAREP chief calls for inquiry into fire cases


B AARON CHIYAN O THERE spate of fires which have NAREP EC

Mr Chipomo said that he was alarmed and concerned about the de astation that had befallen the residents of Ndola following a fire at Kapalala mar et in Masala ownship.

Mr Chipimo said in a statement that there was now a deep and disturbing problem that the go ernment needed to sort out.

He howe er reiterated that the problem would not be sol ed by ta ing away people s liberties through threatened states of emergencie­s or thinly- eiled accusation­s against political opponents.

Mr Chipimo emphasised the need for an independen­t body to thoroughly in estigate the spate of fires that had rocked the country.

Although the most recent fire appears to have been caused by sheer negligence Zambians must resist any attempt to impose any further limitation­s on our rights and instead demand the leadership that has been lac ing from the PF. e need an independen­t body to in estigate the causes of the fires that are ravaging our mar ets and to ma e clear recommenda­tions about how to pre ent future incidents of this nature he said.

Mr Chipimo explained that there was need for an independen­t en uiry into the fire incidents to give confidence to the public that there was no larger issue at play.

He pointed out that criminal in estigation­s of this nature re uired ongoing public updates to give the nation confidence that the incidents were not going to be used by those in power as a pretext to see a way to silence the opposition or indeed benefit from the contractua­l wor s that would be re uired to be underta en to rebuild what had been damaged.

E erything should be done to facilitate the wor of the police to thoroughly in estigate the cause of these incidents in order to bring the perpetrato­rs to account. ut something more must also be done to assure the public that these in estigation­s are thorough and lea e no stone unturned said Mr Chipimo.

Mr Chipimo challenged President Edgar Lungu to allow for the institutio­n of a parallel public en uiry into the safety of mar ets and what could be done to pre ent calamities such as those witnessed recently if there was nothing to hide.

He ad ised that the commission of in uiry should also loo into how the ongoing in estigation­s had been handled so far and its terms of reference should commit to ma ing the findings public within the shortest possible time.

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