Daily Nation Newspaper

EU cites Zambia’s farming setbacks


INSUFFICIE­NT access to quality inputs, good advisory services, mechanisat­ion and market hinders high level productivi­ty in the agricultur­e sector, it has been learnt.

European Union (EU) advisor for agricultur­e and rural developmen­t in Zambia, Marion Michaud has observed said the EU would remain supportive of the agricultur­al activities in Zambia and had to this effect finalised an 87 million euros package for the developmen­t of agricultur­e in country.

Speaking to the media at the sidelines of the monitoring visit of electronic farmer registrati­on in Kabwe, Ms Michaud said the identified challenges prevented farmers in the country from having high productivi­ty levels which she described as below the required standard.

“There are still a number of challenges that prevent farmers from making a living from agricultur­al which include, insufficie­nt access to quality inputs, good advisory services, mechanisms and market.

“These prevent them from having high level of production because productivi­ty levels in Zambia are still below the level is should be," said Ms Michaud.

And the EU agricultur­al advisor for Zambia has described the agricultur­e policies that government has put in place as good.

She highlighte­d the National Agricultur­e Investment Programme and the approved Second National Policy as some of good agricultur­e policies that government had put in place.

Ms Michaud however pointed out that implementa­tion of these policies was a challenge for government because farmers were scattered around the country.

“The agricultur­e policies that government has put in place are good but the challenge was implementa­tion because the country is big with a small population and farmers are scattered making it difficult for government to implement these policies," said Ms Michaud.

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