Daily Nation Newspaper

Illegal miners invade Mapatizya


By BUSINESS REPORTER SMALL scale Miners in Mapatizya area in Zimba district have complained of increased illegal mining in the area.

$ssociation of =aPbian :oPen 0ininJ $=:,0 0ar\ /XbePba said there was an XSsXrJe in the nXPber of iOOeJaO Piners flockinJ to the area.

0s /XbePba said in an interYiew with the 'aiO\ 1ation that there were soPe XnscrXSXOo­Xs SeoSOe in /Xsaka who were fa- ciOitatinJ iOOeJaO PininJ in 0aSati]\a in 6oXthern SroYince.

0s /XbePba said the iOOeJaO Piners were PostO\ coPinJ froP 0kXshi and /Xsaka flockinJ to 0aSati]\a to Pine $Peth\st.

7he associatio­n has since aSSeaOed to the *oYernPent to steS XS secXrit\ in the area.

³:e are coPSOainin­J to the JoYernPent that there are a Oot of iOOeJaO Piners PininJ the $Peth\st stones and seOOinJ to the &hinese. 7hese &hinese MXst enter the PininJ area throXJh an aJent in /Xsaka. 7he aJent is not eYen reJistered,” she said.

6he condePned the act of iOOeJaO PininJ in the area becaXse it was kiOOinJ bXsiness condXcted b\ Oicensed Piners.

³:e are caOOinJ XSon JoYernPent and the Pinistr\ of Pines to coPe in and heOS Xs becaXse those one who are benefitinJ are those withoXt Oicences.

³8s with Oicenses haYe to Sa\ for area charJes, =aPbia 5eYenXe $Xthorit\ =5$ and other charJes whiOe those SeoSOe MXst Pine withoXt Sa\inJ an\thinJ, steaOinJ oXr Pone\,” 6he said.

6he said associatio­n PePbers feOt disadYanta­Jed becaXse their cost of doinJ bXsiness was hiJh whiOe iOOeJaO Piners were reaSinJ hXJe Srofits withoXt PakinJ statXtor\ Sa\Pents to *oYernPent winJs.

³1ot eYen the SoOice can heOS Xs. O caOOed the SoOice the\ MXst said the\ needed to Jet JXidance froP the 0inistr\ of 0ines. :here are JoinJ to rXn to for heOS ” 0s /XbePba said.

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