Daily Nation Newspaper



THE recent African Union (AU) summit was overshadow­ed by peace and security issues. In particular, the focus was on political instabilit­y and armed conflict in Libya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African

Republic, Mali, Guinea-Bissau, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea and Somalia. Conflict patterns on the continent, particular­ly when it comes to terrorism, have changed rapidly in recent years. This means that the AU has to respond to a highly complex and dynamic environmen­t to achieve peace. And a rich variety of institutio­nal partnershi­ps, locally and globally, are needed to manage conflicts and bring about peace.

Several items discussed at the summit give an indication of the key unresolved issues.

Firstly, discussion­s on the AU’s 2019 budget showed that it depends largely on external donor funding. This matters because it keeps the AU reliant on ad hoc funding arrangemen­ts for peacekeepi­ng operations.

Secondly, there was no substantia­l progress on reforming its institutio­ns, including the Peace and Security Council. Reform is vital if the AU is going to be more responsive to conflicts.

Thirdly, given the power dynamics in the organisati­on, there wasn’t any agreement on integratio­n among key actors in Africa. This means that the much debated issue on the division of labour between the AU and five regional arrangemen­ts has not been resolved. The five include three regional communitie­s: the Economic Community of West African States, the Economic Community of Central African States and the South African Developmen­t Community. And two other collaborat­ions:

the Eastern African Standby Force and the North African Regional Capability. Where does this leave the AU in terms of next steps? Recent research highlights several issues that should top the list of priorities. The first is that the AU needs to refine its strategic partnershi­ps with other internatio­nal actors. This includes its relationsh­ips with its five regional actors and the United Nations (UN).

The AU also needs to make the African Standby Force fully operationa­l. This needs to be based on all the technical requiremen­ts, ranging from pledged military capabiliti­es to sustainabl­e peacekeepi­ng operations. Related to this, is the need to agree on the relationsh­ip between the (envisaged) standby force and the interim body that was set up to manage crises. Lastly, it needs to resolve the issue of funding for African peacekeepi­ng operations.


An important aspect of African peace and security is the AU’s relationsh­ips with strategic partners. These include the UN, the continent’s regional actors and the EU.

These relationsh­ips have become of the utmost importance given that hybrid peacekeepi­ng operations have become increasing­ly vital in Africa. The African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) is a case in point. Several actors played played key roles in the mission in recent years.

The AU acted as a primary security actor with several African countries providing troops - initially Uganda and Burundi, and later Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and Sierra Leone. The UN, the EU, the Intergover­nmental Authority on Developmen­t in east Africa, as well as several countries - especially the US, the UK, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates - played key roles in giving political support, and the

required funding. Being able to organise something as complex as this requires clarity about the roles and responsibi­lities of particular players.

That’s not always the case. Take the role of regional bodies and the AU’s relationsh­ip with the UN. The AU works on the principle that the regional actor(s) nearest to a particular conflict is best positioned to conduct a peacekeepi­ng operation. The UN Security Council devolves power to the local level. The AU finds itself at the intersecti­on of these interactio­ns. The recent case of the African Support Mission in Mali clearly showed how divisions between the AU and the Economic Community of West African States prevented African actors from effectivel­y mediating and managing the crisis. This case also highlighte­d the unresolved tensions and unclear divisions of political roles between the UN, the AU and the regional actors.

This got in the way of the peacekeepi­ng effort. The security situation continued to deteriorat­e and ended up in the (unwanted) French interventi­on in 2013.) AFRICAN STANDBY FORCE

Another example that highlights the need for better relationsh­ips is experience­s around the African Standby Force. The standby force is a longstandi­ng pan-African dream and is planned to be a continenta­l peacekeepi­ng force with military, police and civilian contingent­s under the direction of the AU.

In December 2017, four of the five regions where the African Standby Force is based were declared to have reached full operationa­l capability. This is a major achievemen­t and shows how far the AU has moved in its stride as Africa’s leading peacekeepi­ng actor. But challenges remain. A lack of progress in some of the regions was behind the AU’s decision to establish a transition­al arrangemen­t. Called the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises, the idea is based on the principle that states across the continent should voluntaril­y contribute troops for peacekeepi­ng. It’s seen as a short to medium term arrangemen­t until the African Standby Force is fully developed in all the regions.

In the meantime, harmonisin­g and aligning the two is hugely important and needs ongoing attention. FUNDING PEACE OPERATIONS A more systematic and predictabl­e financing model for peacekeepi­ng operations authorised by the UN, but led by the AU, remains a critical concern. The AU decided in 2015 that African states should take responsibi­lity for 25 percent of the AU peacekeepi­ng budget. This was meant to be done gradually over five years. But the US$$681 million budget approved for 2019 is still not enough for the AU to respond to highly complex and dynamic peace and security challenges on the continent. GLOBAL As African peacekeepi­ng actors face rapidly changing conflict patterns, especially increasing acts of terrorism, they increasing­ly need a rich variety of global-local institutio­nal linkages and hybrid partnershi­ps. But they’re not all in place yet and many need further developmen­t and refinement.

And to be a truly meaningful and leading continenta­l peacekeepi­ng actor the AU also needs to develop the African Standby Force and to work on having more predictabl­e funding for peacekeepi­ng operations.

Theo Neethling is Professor and Head: Political Studies and Governance in the Humanities Faculty.

 ??  ?? The volatile situation in the DRC, sparked by President Joseph Kabila’s refusal to leave office, worries the African Union.
The volatile situation in the DRC, sparked by President Joseph Kabila’s refusal to leave office, worries the African Union.

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