Daily Nation Newspaper

Kambwili’s corruption rhetoric boring – CDP

……he is a finished, bitter and frustrated politician who should be ignored


“CHISHIMBA Kambwili’s unsubstant­iated corruption rhetoric against Government officials has become boring and we urge Government to concentrat­e on delivering developmen­t and not waste energy responding to him,” the Citizen Democratic Party (CDP) has said.

Last week, former Informatio­n and Broadcasti­ng Services minister Chishimba Kambwili reported President Edgar Lungu and the ruling Patriotic Front to the Drug Enforcemen­t Commission (DEC) in Lusaka for alleged money laundering activities involving the presidenti­al empowermen­t fund, among others.

Mr Kambwili claimed he had evidence that the PF activities concerning the elections and the lifestyles of those holding public office in *overnment was marred with activities of money laundering.

But CDP leader Robert Mwanza said the corruption songs by Mr Kambwili were now boring and described him as a finished, bitter and frustrated politician who should be ignored.

In an interview yesterday, Mr Mwanza said it was a shame that some politician­s like Mr Kambwili, who, after falling out of favour, had resorted to raising false corruption allegation­s against the same *overnment and party they were part of.

+e advised *overnment not to fall in Mr Kambwili’s trap by responding to his claims but work hard to deliver the much needed developmen­t to Zambians.

“First and foremost, I think bwana Kambwili has become irrelevant to the political discourse of Zambia because if his corruption claims against *overnment which he was not long time ago part of were genuine, why has it taken him so long to report it and also only after he was fired"

“What we have noticed about Chishimba Kambwili is that he is a failed, bitter and frustrated politician whose unsubstant­iated corruption allegation­s should be ignored. In fact, as CDP, we urge *overnment to concentrat­e on delivering developmen­t and not waste its energy responding to him,” Mr Mwanza said.

He said after failing to achieve their desired political aspiration­s, some politician­s had now resorted to accusing the government of being corrupt which is not fair.

Zambians should not keep on listening to the same old boring songs on a daily basis from selfish politician­s with hidden political agendas at the expense of developmen­t, he said

He also said the recent Lusaka mayoral by-election exposed Mr Kambwili’s unpopulari­ty, adding that Zambians showed him that they were not interested in his politics of insults.

 ??  ?? Mr Kambwili
Mr Kambwili

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