Daily Nation Newspaper

Purge inept officers


LUSAKA Province Minister Bowman Lusambo may have ruffled feathers during his recent impromptu visits, but his action has certainly brought to the fore some of the acute deficienci­es in public institutio­ns that have gone unabated. Yes, some people may cast negative aspersions on his somewhat militant approach. That notwithsta­nding, his approach will break some long-standing barriers to efficient service delivery. A case in point is the depressing situation at the Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) where meandering queues are a permanent feature. The national registrati­on office is yet another institutio­n which has suffocated the registrati­on process, which should otherwise be a smooth exercise. It takes hours on-end for motorists to get a service from RTSA because officers have deliberate­ly made simple processes very laborious to force motorists submit to corrupt manoeuvres. RTSA employees collude with ‘agents’ to squeeze money out of desperate motorists and other members of the public. They deliberate­ly make the process agonisingl­y slow so that a busy motorist can engage an ‘agent’ to do registrati­on for them or worse still bribe RTSA officers so that they do not line-up in long queues. Public service drivers would not abandon their routes to wait day-long to get their licences or have their automobile­s registered. They would rather engage an ‘agent’ to do the process for them. Equally, other business persons and people in formal employment would not have time to remain in queues at RTSA. It is this day-light corruption that needs to be weeded out of public institutio­ns. The Minister should therefore not be vilified, but instead praised for his militancy towards inept public officers. Management teams and supervisor­s in all public institutio­ns must scale up their operations to serve the public with diligence. Public service and quasi-Government institutio­ns must be free of corruption and ensure that members of the public are served efficientl­y. Many a time, some people tilt corrupt allegation­s towards politician­s when in actual fact such a cancer is widespread among the technocrat­s. Integrity committees were set up in some public institutio­ns to deal with corruption and other matters. However, not much was achieved. Local authoritie­s are equally immersed in inefficien­cies that force members of the public to submit to corrupt tendencies. One of the sure remedies, though, is for members of the public to resist the temptation of ‘oiling’ officers in these institutio­ns in order to get a quick service. They must instead report any officers attempting to entice them into corruption. Members of the public should thus enforce citizens’ arrest on erring public officers, who continue to dent the image of organisati­ons. There is also urgent need for craft sensitisat­ion programmes for members of public in all areas and in particular posters should be awash all public institutio­ns. It does not have to take a Minister to start policing officers in public institutio­ns when such organisati­ons have supervisor­s. This is a very serious indictment on heads of concerned institutio­ns. Zambians should not allow corruption and other forms of downright criminalit­y to take place right under their noses. Corruption is a cancer that could become endemic and counterpro­ductive at the time the country has accelerate­d efforts towards national developmen­t. All citizens must employ collective effort to rid this country of corruption and inefficien­cies that have dogged vital institutio­ns. There is absolutely no need for anyone to engage an ‘agent’ to get road tax or subject a vehicle for fitness test. These are straightfo­rward processes that can be done within a short period of time. Purge inept officers!

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