Daily Nation Newspaper



AFAITH-BASED organisati­on has embarked on rehabilita­ting sex workers in Kabwe and Kapiri Mposhi in a bid to remove them from the sex industry. All Grace Foundation director administra­tion Japheth Kangwa said the project, aimed at empowering sex workers, is expected to start next month. Mr Kangwa said in an interview at a newly opened branch in Kabwe that the foundation was in the process of identifyin­g genuine pastors in the two districts that would take up the responsibi­lity of counsellin­g sex workers. He said the foundation had a challenge of finding pastors that are equal to the task as most of those engaged earlier refused to counsel the sex workers for fear of being tempted in the process. He said faithful pastors that would stand temptation from the sex workers were needed in the field as they would be required to speak to them right on the streets they operate from. "We have a challenge of finding genuine pastors that would go in the field to talk to the sex workers. We had found some but they refused because of the greater temptation that comes with the responsibi­lity," said Mr Kangwa. He clarified that only sex workers that would leave the industry would be given capital to set up businesses with support from the foundation donors. Mr Kangwa said so far the organisati­on had received applicatio­ns from a number of pastors who are willing to go in the field to talk to sex workers and ensure that they leave the sex industry. The foundation which recently opened a branch in Kabwe's Mukobeko Township is sensitisin­g people living with HIV on the importance of being put on antiretrov­iral therapy (ART) and adhering to treatment. It is also providing food to them and the aged.

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