Daily Nation Newspaper

‘Dialogue will be a sham’


NATIONAL dialogue will be a sham because the opposition is bringing confusion by accusing President Edgar Lungu of criminalit­y, Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda has said.

Mr Chanda featuring on Hot FM radio breakfast show yesterday said that while the opposition was seeking to dialogue with Pres-ident Lungu, it was at the same time making false allegation­s against him.

Mr Chanda said the dialogue could not flourish due to the continued unhuman acts by the opposition political parties as it was not possible for the opposition to dialogue with the President they were accusing of criminalit­y.

“How can you dialogue with the person you are accusing that he wants to kill you? If you accuse that person of killing you in a certain area how about when you are in the same area, what can happen,” Mr Chanda said.

Recently, four political parties namely the FDD, MMD, Rainbow and the United Liberal Party said the UPND wanted to manipulate the dialogue process and use as a vehicle to get into State House.

The four political parties also said the three church mother bodies wanted to raise the image of the UPND during the dia-logue process.

The quartet said UPND was committed to the so-called national dialogue process because it wanted to build its image in readiness of the 2021 general elections.

Meanwhile, Mr Chanda said the decision by former UPND presidenti­al advisor Richard Kachingwe to ditch the party was done in a right manner, stating that no one could continue to cling to a political party that was after his son.

“I feel the pain Major Kachingwe is going through about his son being accused by the opposition. These people think this is a joke but it is the damage, the malice that is being put in internatio­nal media,” Mr Chanda said.

Mr Chanda said it was prudent that Maj Kachingwe ditched the party to defend his son, adding that this would help to stop the evil acts being perpetrate­d by UPND.

I feel the pain Major Kachingwe is going through about his son being accused by the opposition. These people think this is a joke but it is the damage, the malice that is being put in internatio­nal media — Mr Chanda.

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