Daily Nation Newspaper



RESIDENTS of George compound in Matero constituen­cy have appealed to the Zambia Police to reinforce security following the increasing number of murders in the area.

Some residents talked to said people were now being killed daily in the area.

Police yesterday morning picked up bodies of two women in George compound who were killed in unclear circumstan­ces.

In an interview with the Daily Nation, a resident, Ms Naomi Zulu, said there was need to quickly form a neighbourh­ood watch committee because of the escalating crime levels.

Ms Zulu said residents were now living in fear as criminals had gone on rampage breaking into homes, killings people and that the lack of neighborho­od watch was had contribute­d to the increasing crime.

Ms Zulu said criminals had invaded the area and were targeting women and youth including the drunkards.

Another Mr Richard Zimba said George compound was no longer safe and that despite the presence of police, the crime rate had continued rising.

Mr Zimba said there was need to intensify day and night patrols to reduce crime in the area.

He said illegal bars and night clubs had also contribute­d had compounded the problem as there was no proper monitoring especially on opening and closing times.

And Mutale Kasanda of the same area urged the area member of Parliament Lloyd Kaziya to lobby for funds for another police post because the existing one was unable to cope with the large population.

He said the residents including those in neighborin­g Lilanda Compound also faced similar serious security challenges especially in the night.

 ??  ?? Lloyd Kaziya
Lloyd Kaziya

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