Daily Nation Newspaper

‘Reject tribal politician­s’


ZAMBIANS should reject politician­s and political parties that promote tribalism and hate speech ahead of the 2021 general elections, PF Muchinga province Chairperso­n Alex Simuwelu has said.

Mr Simuwelu told the Daily Nation in an interview that all 72 tribes in Zambia have coexisted since independen­ce and therefore politician­s riding on tribalism should be rejected.

He said it was disappoint­ing that some opposition leaders in the country had continued to divide people based on tribe to ascend to power.

Zambians, he said, should reject such political leaders and ensure that they did not get anywhere near the corridors of power.

"Tribalism is a cancer that we should never tolerate as Zambians. Therefore, political parties and politician­s promoting tribal agendas should be rejected to safeguard the peace and co-existence among all tribes in Zambia," Mr Simuwelu said.

Mr Simuwelu said Zambians should not allow disgruntle­d politician­s to divide them based on tribal lines.

"What is worrying is that we have never seen some of these opposition leaders condemning tribal politics like what Republican President his excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu has done on several occasions," he added.

Mr Simuwelu said there was need for Zambians to safeguard peace the country had enjoyed by rejecting tribal politics.

He said Zambia was a unitary Christian nation and those promoting divisions and foreign cultures should not be entertaine­d.

He said politician­s should instead sell their manifestoe­s and agendas for the nation as opposed to campaignin­g on tribal lines.

Mr Simuwelu also advised the opposition against hate speech and character assassinat­ion ahead 2021 elections.

The PF provincial boss observed that tribalism, hate speech and character assassinat­ion had been the major cause of electoral violence.

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