Daily Nation Newspaper




Party for National Developmen­t (UPND) in Livingston­e district says the party has a national character, contrary to claims that it was tribal and regional.

District Youth Chairman, Gerald Kuyewana has charged that those who were making such statements were actually tribalists themselves.

He was reacting to former UPND District vice chairman Lutangu Fwanyanga in Kazungula, who defected to the PF.

Mr Fwanyanga had charged that the UPND was a regional party which was based on tribal inclinatio­n.

But in an interview with the Daily Nation in Livingston­e, Mr Kuyewana said that it was disappoint­ing that the former district vice chairman could now accuse the UPND of tribalism.

"We are disappoint­ed that he (Fwanyanga) can now talk about tribalism after confirming his motive of joining the Patriotic Front. We wish him well.

"We are disappoint­ed to hear him say that he was side-lined in the party. Mr Fwanyanga has been our vice district chairman for a long time and the one who has replaced him is not Tonga so, where is the tribalism," he wondered.

Mr Kuyewana said that the UPND had taken disciplina­ry action against Mr Fwanyanga because of doing wrong things outside the party and that it had nothing to do with tribalism. "As UPND, we want everyone to come on board and be part of us, but we are not going to do that at the expense of discipline," he said.

He said that UPND Livingston­e youths will not tolerate such indiscipli­ne in the party.

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