Daily Nation Newspaper

Do your part to help develop your area


Dear Editor,

GOOD morning dear friends and partners in developmen­t.

We are thankful to God for having given us this beautiful day again and we shall rejoice and be glad in it.

I was very happy yesterday to have led the community in fixing one of our roads in Foxdale which was extensivel­y damaged following a heavy downpour that we experience­d two days ago.

Again I am extremely excited to see the power of unity and what working together can do as exhibited by the residents in Foxdale.

I started working on the road alone with my hoe then another resident joined and one by one people started coming on board and before we realized it, the group grew big.

That is how it should be we need to do our part in supplement­ing Government efforts as citizens as demonstrat­ed by the Foxdale residents.

As a community leader, I shall continue inspiring my followers in hard work because no one will bring developmen­t in Munali Constituen­cy apart from the residents themselves by working together so let us continue putting our efforts together and we shall surely achieve a lot.

I salute the residents who joined me yesterday and those who didn’t but were able to send workers to beef up the man power.

In particular let me thank the youths who have continued working with me in the community. Continue with the same spirit.

For sure that showed that there is power in working together and bit by bit, we are getting there!

Let us make Munali great again by uniting for a common cause.

Have a blessed Sunday and God bless.


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