Daily Nation Newspaper




Mufonka is an ordinary member of the Associatio­n of Mine Suppliers and Contractor­s (AMSC) who should not use the organisati­on to pursue his political agenda, AMSC President Augustine Mubanga has said

Mr Mubanga said in Kitwe yesterday that Mr Mufonka had decided to dissolve his associatio­n to join AMSC where he had become an ordinary member and had since stopped to represent the interest of any suppliers and contractor­s on the Copperbelt or Northweste­rn provinces

Last week, Mr Mufonka was quoted in some sections of the media as saying Copperbelt Mine Suppliers and Contractor­s Associatio­n was shifting support from the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) to the United Party for National Developmen­t (UPND)

Mr Mufonka had told a media briefing in Lusaka that the dire economic straits was due to the PF’s poor economic management.

But Mr Mubanga said Mr Mufonka was at liberty to join UPND as an individual, but should not use the associatio­n to pursue his personal or political agenda.

Mr Mubanga said Mr Mufonka was an ordinary member of the AMSC who had no following, but wanted to create an impression that mine suppliers were behind him.

"We are not stopping him from joining any political party of his choice, but he should not use the fortunes of the associatio­n to pursue his personal and political agenda. If he has decided to join UPND , he should do it as an individual , not as AMSC

"AMSC is non-partisan, but works with the government of the day. Mufonka was the President of Copperbelt Mine Suppliers and Contractor­s Associatio­n, but he decided to dissolve it and joined AMSC, hence he does not represent any contractor­s or suppliers,'' Mr Mubanga explained.

He said if Mr Mufonka was popular, he should have held the media briefing on the Copperbelt so that people could see his following, but he decided to hold it in Lusaka.

Mr Mubanga said AMSC had been engaging the Ministry of Mines regarding the challenges the suppliers and contractor­s were facing and the two parties had come up with a ' local content.'

He said a 'local content' was aimed at ensuring that business opportunit­ies were given to local contractor­s and suppliers, adding that it would further ensure that Zambians were empowered through local goods and services.

He said Minister of Mines Richard Musukwa would soon sign the Statutory Instrument (SI) of the Local Content to benefit the local contractor­s and suppliers.

"Yes, we have been having challenges regarding business in the mining industry, but as an associatio­n, we have been engaging Government on various issues and we have agreed to have a Local Content which will aim at benefiting the local contractor­s and suppliers,” he said.

 ??  ?? AMSC President Augustine Mubanga
AMSC President Augustine Mubanga

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