Daily Nation Newspaper


…with parliament­ary select committee amendments


THE Constituti­on amendment bill number 10 of 2019 with amendments as recommende­d by the Parliament­ary Select Committee is progressiv­e and should be supported by all Zambians, Prominent Lusaka Lawyer Sakwiba Sikota has said. Mr Sikota said it was important for members of Parliament especially those from the opposition to take keen interest in the content of the bill as opposed to rejecting the document in totality. Mr Sikota said the bill is progressiv­e especially with amendments proposed by the Parliament­ary select Committee. “I have taken time to study the document and I must say it is very progressiv­e taking into considerat­ion recommenda­tions of the Parliament­ary Select Committee, “Mr Sikota said. He said there was need for all stakeholde­rs to look at the bill without taking political sides. Mr Sikota said Members of Parliament are expected to put their partisan interests aside and debate the bill. Mr Sikota said opposition Members of Parliament should desist from walking away from parliament and debate the bill. “The issue of constituti­onal amendment is not a partisan issue therefore we expect MPs both from the ruling and opposition to look at the bill and debate objectivel­y,” he said. “We all know that our constituti­on needs refining and this calls for everyone to put partisan interests aside,” Mr Sikota said. Mr Sikota said constituti­on making is an important understand­ing that should not be politicise­d. “I would like to appeal to our colleagues in the UPND to take time and debate the content unlike rejecting the document in totality,” Mr Sikota said.

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Mr Sikota

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