Daily Nation Newspaper



LATELY, Dear Editor, there has been a number social media banners or posters depicting my face and those of others on a particular theme or advocacy and in particular one with a number of

artistes particular­ly musicians and other well-known personalit­ies.

A number of Facebook accounts bearing my names and pictures have surfaced dubbed “Miles Sampa for President 2021.”

I wish to distance myself from both the picture with artistes and the Facebook accounts both as a participan­t or subscriber to the underlying objectives or goals.

I generally know the artistes in the posters from their musical fame and have hired some before for my private functions. One happens to be amongst the list of 20 that I had put up and announced in 2018 as my personal advisors as Mayor. I however disbanded the group last year due to various reasons but still consult with one or two on a one to one basis.

The non musical personalit­ies in the picture however have almost zero connection or interactio­ns in the current or distant past. I don’t have theirs and I doubt they have my phone numbers. Simply put, we have neither met nor spoken ever.

As for the Facebook accounts opened up by unknown people whatever their intrinsic motive is, I wish to put it on record that their gesture does not have my blessing and being a Presidenti­al candidate in 2021 or beyond is not on my amongst “things to do” list. I am simply not interested for own personal reasons and conviction not to.

For avoidance of doubt, my support or endorsemen­t Presidenti­al candidate for 2021 and beyond is the incumbent President Edgar Lungu of the Patriotic Front, a party that I am a bona-fide member

PF sponsored me to the office of Mayor for the Greater City of Lusaka, a position that I am very content with today and beyond. I ask to be left to concentrat­e on my civic duties and not have my name or pictures drawn in political topics, schemes or agenda.

My roles entails and I have done my best to execute my duties as Mayor on a nonpartisa­n basis and thus my office attends and indiscrimi­nately offers services to all residents of the City regardless of their political affiliatio­ns.

I wish it to remain that way for the remaining eight months of my term as Mayor and beyond with I would be at personal liberty to get in the political campaign train.

What position I will and if contest in 2021 and where is a combo decision from God, the party PF, and President Lungu and indeed input from myself.

Most definite however, is the Presidency is not and will not be one of my personal options or preference­s. I am simply not available. No thank you.

To all residents and citizens therefore, treat all social media pictures, banners, posters or Facebook accounts depicting my names or face as a fraud as they have zero consent from me. All such about me on social media should be taken with a pinch of (if not a table spoon) of salt.

I humbly submit all Zambians have their Freedom of Expression and Freedom Associatio­n guaranteed and given. I give inner respect to that.

I however also wish to have my reverse Freedom of Associatio­n or Freedom of Expression guaranteed by not being imposed on groupings, movements or political operations without my consent.

I trust this puts to rest all questions, innuendos and schemes around my name or face and hopefully won’t be distracted again on similar themes from the Mayoral duties next for the eight months when I will pack up by bags at the Civic Centre.

I end with Proverbs 2:3: “Yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understand­ing “

MILES BWALYA SAMPA, Mayor of Lusaka.

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