Daily Nation Newspaper


Has Zambia become the Jackals’ Carcass?



jackal is a small predatory animal which occasional­ly assembles in small packs to scavenge a carcass. Jackals can be vicious and can kill huge animals when they assemble and hunt in packs.

Jackals symbolise opportunis­m intelligen­ce, coirage, isolation, solitude, initiative, determinat­ion survival, monogamy, communicat­ion, protection, territory, disgusting things and adaptabili­ty. Jackal pairs do everything together including eating and sleeping.

A person who behaves in an opportunis­tic way, especially a base collaborat­or is referred to as a jackal person. In many folk tales, the jackals are depicted as cunning and are known as tricksters who fool other animals and trick them into doing things they want to do.

Jackals are carnivorou­s mammals and they will often scavenge the remains of of kills made by other larger predators. They are even known to eat poisonous snakes.

If one examines the events that have taken place in Zambia since we went back to multiparty democracy, one can conclude that our country has become the scavengers or jackals’ carcass.

Carcass means the body of a dead animal, the body of a slaughtere­d animal stripped of unwanted viscera, the body of a dead human body or the framework of a structure especially one not normally seen. It is derived from the old French carcois or carcasse.

Zambia became a huge carcass and this started during the privatisat­ion period. Many opportunis­ts took advantage and engaged in base collaborat­ion to work with foreign entities to scavenge and literally steal state-owned companies.

The scavenging extended to politics. Our country witnessed the mushroomin­g of political parties. Some opportunis­ts took over leadership of parties. Their engagement in politics was not based on any strong ideologica­l beliefs, but to merely protect their business interests.

Sadly, the business interests they are protecting are the stolen state properties which they acquired through proxies who pretended to be genuine buyers but later handed back the comanies to the jackals who still use proxies to look after their interests.

The sooner all Zambians realise that our country has become a jackals’ carcass, the better for our country. We may hand back the country to imperialis­ts that are working with cunning finesse to sponsor parties that protect their larceny in their business empires.

I am conscious of the fact that every African and indeed many Zambians are complainin­g about Chinese colonialis­m. Yes it’s justified for us to worry about the Chinese invasion of Africa. But it is without doubt easier for us to stop Chinese influence because it’s open and traceable.

Western imperialis­m poses more danger to Africa. The western countries control world trade and want to get African resources at no cost and then make huge profits out of our sweat and our wealth.

They control the value of our currencies, they get our copper, gold, cobalt and gemstones and many other natural resources and then resell them at higher profits which we do not benefit from.

We must be wary of the jackals amongst our own people who cheat and try to manipulate events and fool people into doing things they are not supposed to do.

The misreprese­ntation of the gold issue is a point at hand that the jackals are trying to exploit. To ask youths to demonstrat­e over the gold agreement between ZCCM-IH and a Sudanese company is a very good example of opportunis­m.

A good politician ought to know that mining is a wasting asset dominated by multinatio­nal companies. He therefore must encourage youths to think of empowermen­t in many o t her sustainabl­e business activities such as farming and artisanshi­p.

The youth must dig deeply into the records of some of the people who fool them into going in the wrong direction. Otherwise by the time they wake up, in 2023, it will be too late.

I shudder to think of the Day of the Jackal in Zambia!

 ??  ?? Yours truly,
ecchipalo@ yahoo. co. uk/ pentvision@ gmail.com/ ecchipalo@ icloud.com
Yours truly, Troublesho­oter. ecchipalo@ yahoo. co. uk/ pentvision@ gmail.com/ ecchipalo@ icloud.com
 ??  ??

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