Daily Nation Newspaper

We have failed as a people and we should be ashamed of ourselves that with all the good things that God has given us we have allowed the devil to take more stake than give gratitude to God by fighting evil with Good.


IF we loved one another, we could all be beneficiar­ies of everything we do. I remember growing up how we could defend each other because we come from the same neighbourh­ood or because we go to the same school.

I remember the love that our grandmothe­rs showed strangers that came to visit our homes. Sometimes our grandparen­ts even made us relatives with people (ichi bululu chaku londolola) but now because we have been taught to be selfish it’s each one for himself God for all. No wonder even certain things only a family or those loyal benefit rather than ordinary people. We claim to be Christians but we insult God’s intelligen­ce. God is not human that you can con or dupe with actions or sweet talk him like an ordinary person, he already knows your motives no wonder when we pray and our prayers go unanswered is because we use God for personal gains.

We can recover now from these problems through love for one another and I mean love without conditions to come out of this problem.

It’s not political but spiritual love your neighbour as you love yourself but today we teach our children to hate even our own relatives. Certain battles or wrangles, hatred that most families have are just inherited ones from ba mbuya aunties etc.

The way we teach our children to hate other kids because they are from a poor background or a bad home is what is costing as today.

We have failed as a people and we should be ashamed of ourselves that with all the good things that God has given us we have allowed the devil to take more stake than give gratitude to God by fighting evil with Good.

It will take time to come out of this mess until we realise the love for one another at home at work in the streets on Facebook at Church or any where is what will make us stronger and achievers together.

Let’s be each other’s keepers. Let’s defend one another without having a hidden agenda or the muzungu anikonde arrangemen­ts.

Let’s not love others because you want a personal benefit which won’t last long let’s just be a people with a purpose, a message to the rest of Africa.

We are one people, our country should come first before yourself or any political party. We are just nothing in the eyes of God. We all will die one day but how will we be remembered? A good name is better than riches!

Let’s love one another brothers and sisters under the sun. Regardless of tribe or affiliatio­n of any sort. Love one another in the name of Jesus Christ the redeemer!


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