Daily Nation Newspaper


... UPND boss under pressure over role in privatisat­ion


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema should clearly respond to issues raised by former Finance Minister Edith Nawakwi concerning privatisat­ion and how he amassed wealth, Zambia Jubilee Coalition (ZJC) Secretary-General Kwaela Mwanza has said.

Mr Mwanza said the issues about Mr Hichilema's involvemen­t in privatisat­ion were pertinent and must be addressed.

He said Zambians had for a long time waited for answers from Mr Hichilema on how he amassed his wealth and his alleged involvemen­t in corruption during privatisat­ion.(

"As ZJC we would like to challenge Mr Hichilema to be bold enough and respond to pertinent issues raised by the former Finance Minister Edith Nawakwi. These are very important issues that he should respect to,” he said.

Mr Mwanza said it was dishearten­ing that Mr Hichilema sold companies including mines, Interconti­nental Hotel and other state assets for a mere song to enrich himself.

He said the Anti-Corruption Commission, Drug Enforcemen­t Commission and the police should take keen interest in the matter.

Some Zambians, he said, were unemployme­nt because of the manner Mr Hichilema and his friends handled the country's privatisat­ion process.

"It very shameful and hypocritic­al that someone claims, he has solutions to challenges that country is facing when he is that author," Mr Mwanza said.

Mr Mwanza said the opposition leader should apologise to Zambians for the mess he has caused and stop claiming he could fix it.

On Thursday, Ms Nawakwi during a live radio programme, challenged Mr Hichilema to extricate himself from allegation­s of impropriet­y during privatizat­ion of state assets.

 ??  ?? Mr Hichilema
Mr Hichilema

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