Daily Nation Newspaper



ABOUT 350 rice farmers in Meheba farming bloc in Kalumbila are set to increase the production of the commodity.

This follows the empowermen­t given to them by Government through the provision of seed to all the farmers.

So far, 200 beneficiar­ies have since received 50kg each of super rice variety to complement the local Meheba Rice.

Meheba Agricultur­al Supervisor, Daniel Chikwanda, said Government's interventi­on was timely as one of the farmers’ groups, Kalota Cooperativ­e, had already clinched a contract to supply rice to a local mine food caterer.

Mr Chikwanda said Kalota Cooperativ­e had already delivered more than three tonnes of rice.

One of the rice farmers, Abdu Ngiluwonsa­nga, a Rwandese, welcomed Government’s move to introduce the new variety saying it would help farmers increase yields and open more markets.

"We are happy as farmers to see that Government has introduced a new variety and also the giving of seed to farmers," he said.

This came to light when North-western province Deputy Permanent Secretary, Emmanuel Chihili, toured the Meheba farm block.

Mr Chihili said the programme which included seed packs of new super rice and technical support would go toward raising the provincial yield.

The programme, said, would help farmers compete profitably on the market.

"And in this program, we expect to empower at least 350 farmers, this is in the initial stage and we expect the number to increase in future," he said.

He said overnment would target more farmers in Kalumbila, Zambezi and Chavuma, where rice producing farming blocks had been establishe­d to create value chain for the crop.

Mr Chihili challenged the farmers to package Meheba rice into a recognizab­le brand to compete for distributi­on including in chain stores across the country.

"What is important is to find a good brand name so that it can able to find itself on the bigger markets like chain stores like the case was with the famous Mongu and Nakonde rice," he said.

He said Government was elated that the farmers had organized themselves into cooperativ­es and engaged the Zambia Bureau of Standards to certify the local rice in readiness for mass marketing.

He assured the farmers that as part of the support, Government would consider capacity building training for the rice producers through the Ministry of Agricultur­e in order to grow quality rice for the market.

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