Daily Nation Newspaper



Dear editor,

THEY both love wearing the color YELLOW, but one thing for sure is that they both don't get intimidate­d or scared going against the BIG BOYS in the game.

Wolves will continue fighting with a 100 percent motivation even if they are 5 goals down.

And no matter the insults or ati unfollow his page, Bashi Kiya has continued being the Public Lawyer many have come to love.

Wolves na bashi Kiya both have that 'NEVER GIVE UP' spirit.

Many times we have given up without even giving it a try.

Some people have stayed away from writing an exam because they did not prepare well for it.

Some people have stayed away from a covid-19 test because they were scared of the outcome results. And in the end, they ended up putting family and friends in danger.

Some have stayed away from a job interview or decided not to apply for a job because 100 other people have also applied for the same position. And fast forward to today, they are still jobless because they grew cold-feet that day, and decided not to apply or attend an interview.

Running away from a problem only increases the distance from the solution. No problem has no solution. If there is a lock, then there is definitely a key to open it.

The key to changing the way you see difficult situations is by having a more positive mindset towards the end result.

A negative mindset attracts negative outcomes while a positive one attracts positive results.

MORAL: All problems become smaller when you confront them instead of dodging them because nothing can be changed until it is faced. Think positive thoughts.

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