Daily Nation Newspaper

What is good for the goose is good for the gander


Dear Editor,

THERE was massive jubilation­s in the different opposition political parties' camps especially the UPND after the Constituti­onal Court gave former Cabinet ministers and their deputies 30 days in which to pay back the money they received as salaries in 2016 when Parliament was dissolved.

Some people took the ruling as a rare golden opportunit­y to throw mud at President Edgar Lungu for "misguiding" his ministers to stay in office. Please, serial critics give the man a break.

President Lungu and the former ministers may have had their own reservatio­ns over this ruling but they still accepted and respected the ConCourt ruling because they are law-abiding citizens and the ruling is final. This is something the opposition must learn from President Lungu and the PF Government.

What I picked up from all this (ConCourt ruling) is how independen­t and impartial our justice system is.

The Republican President as a lawyer, had his own interpreta­tion, which is what lawyers do anyway but the Constituti­onal Court overruled his interpreta­tion.

This outcome was encouragin­g because it gave us as citizens confidence in our justice system.

The lines we heard from the opposition regarding this matter were; "justice has prevailed," "Justice has been served" and "We still have men and women of integrity in our justice system," lines we never get when judgement goes in favour of the other camp.

For instance, when the ConCourt clearly ruled that question regarding the incumbent's (President Edgar Lungu) eligibilit­y for this August 12 election because "less than three years in office doesn't amount to a full term," the opposition together with its surrogates have failed to accept the ruling.

We have heard politician­s calling our honourable learned Judges as "corrupt" when decisions don't go their way but are quick to praise them when they rule in their favour. Hypocrites!

Now that the ex-ministers adhered to the ConCourt's ruling by making sure that the money was paid back because omitting would have been "contemptuo­us." I want to also remind those that celebrated the ruling that "what is good for the goose is also good for the gander" and that they must equally respect and accept the ConCourt ruling regarding President Lungu's eligibilit­y. Their arguments that he is not eligible for this year's election are OTIOSE!


 ??  ?? President Lungu
President Lungu

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