Daily Nation Newspaper

Pupils who like hiking free rides to school


Dear Editor,

EVERYDAY we see pupils lining up our roads pushing for free rides to school. Some genuinely do not have transport money to jump on buses but others have, however, they do not want to pay; they want transport for free.

Growing up, most of us used to walk long distances to school; we had no transport; some of us our food during break was roasted dry maize soaked in water commonly known as “Viwaya vokazinga.”

Now, do not get me twisted, I am not in any way suggesting that our kids should be subjected to any of the hardships we passed through ourselves, no!

In fact, we the parents have a solemn duty to ensure that we raise our children, in a better way than we ourselves were raised.

Unfortunat­ely, most modern parents think giving children a better life is all about spoiling or pampering them with goodies: expensive toys, buying them whatever they want, not being hard on them.

Yes these things are good but to be honest, they are not that important. The most important things a parent can give to his/her children are wisdom (the fear of the Lord), a good education, morals, patience, humility, a sense of sacrifice, discipline, determinat­ion, hard-work and a sense of contentmen­t among other values. There is beauty in the struggle and ugliness in the success.

Proverbs 22:6 says: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Every child must know that life is not a straight road, it is not a bed of roses; a child must be told that if he/she does not follow the wise counsel from elders he/she may one day end up a prisoner instead of being a police officer, that he/ she may end up a beggar instead of a giver.

Children should be taught the fact that there is no free lunch; whatever you want in life, you must work for it. Va free vimaletele­la. Ask any beautiful girl who likes va free, she will tell you the abuse she has to go through to get ma e-wallet, ma mobile money, it’s not easy.

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