Daily Nation Newspaper

Kalumbila chief appeals for secondary school


Chief Matebo of Kalumbila district in North-western Province has appealed to Government to build a secondary school in his chiefdom to enable children access secondary education.

The traditiona­l leader said the constructi­on of a secondary school would enable many vulnerable children advance in their education in his chiefdom.

Chief Matebo said a secondary school would be helpful to many parents who could not afford to send their children to distant boarding schools.

He said that currently, children in upper grades go to other chiefdoms such as Mumena and Ingwe for them to access secondary schools while some of them just remain idling at home.

“These children are going to these secondary schools as weekly borders which is resulting in many of them falling pregnant and consequent­ly dropping out of school and getting married at a tender age,” he said.

Chief Matebo said it would be difficult to curb early marriages when girls just sit at home without going to school.

He said that the population in his chiefdom was growing, hence the need for additional infrastruc­ture not only in education but in other sectors as well, including health.

“I also want to urge government to co sided electrifyi­ng public institutio­ns in my chiefdom such as schools and health posts, because in doing so, it will motivate members of staff working from these institutio­ns,” he added.


You won’t get a lot done today unless you sweep your emotions out of the way first. Dealing with them directly won’t get you anywhere for once. Consider them money in a savings account and keep them strictly off limits.


You finally get a response you’ve been waiting for. Not only is it long overdue, but it’s the response you wouldn’t let yourself even hope for. Whether it has to do with money or something completely different, consider it your windfall.


You’ll become moody

if you let yourself. Keeping busy is not only your best defense, it’s your best antidote. Once that glum feeling gets you, even spending money won’t help. Nothing but productive activity will exorcise the feeling.


Blame it on an evil double if you must, but what you’re experienci­ng is just another part of your true self. Whether you’re spending money like water or refusing to let go of a dime, your extreme stance shocks even you.


Your concerns are so deep you feel them even when you’re unconsciou­s. Don’t let money worries dominate your life like that. Get your pride out of the way and it will be easy to see you have everything you really need.


The last thing you want to do today is organize. Whether it’s a family gathering, the kitchen drawers or your checkbook, disarray is the name of the game. The state of things will just have to prevail another day.


You can waste the whole day helping others organize and decorate, or you can spend the day doing the very same things. The only difference is in your attitude. Just because you’re not making money doesn’t mean it’s not a valuable activity.


If you don’t have any intuitive powers, fake it. Someone is impressed with the way you seem to keep one step ahead of the game. They don’t need to know your credit card balance or your income.


Your energy and the plans you have for the day are sadly mismatched. There’s no shame in changing course mid stream, but why wait that long? You’ll know by the end of your first cup of coffee that you’ve changed your mind.


Nothing beats a pair of rose colored glasses. Stay focused on the one person who helps you see the best in everything, including yourself. They are worth more than their weight in gold. The real trick is panning through the debris to find them.


It’s not easy being around overly emotional people, but it’s even harder when you’re the one feeling more than you should. You’re just about bursting at the emotional seams. Remind yourself that money isn’t worth that level of distress or euphoria.


You shouldn’t have to perform for friends. All you need to do today is be yourself. No amount of money, big or small, can change how you are on the inside, and those that really know you see that.

 ??  ?? FILE PHOTO : Currently, children in upper grades go to other chiefdoms such as Mumena and Ingwe for them to access secondary schools while some of them just remain idling at home.
FILE PHOTO : Currently, children in upper grades go to other chiefdoms such as Mumena and Ingwe for them to access secondary schools while some of them just remain idling at home.
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