Daily Nation Newspaper

Digital transactio­ns apt yards on course for Africa - Cellulant


DIGITAL payments pose the most significan­t opportunit­y of bringing fundamenta­l transforma­tion for African economies.

Cellulant, a Pan-African payments company, has GOLD LAB

therefore, unveiled its new brand and affirms its commitment to partnering with global, regional and local businesses to accelerate Payments’ digitisati­on across Africa.

The firm has evolved to become more than just a business but an idea and belief that Africa should build Africa’s future.

Cellulant continues to be shaped by a belief that the success of people and businesses in Africa is the foundation of transformi­ng the continent, says Divine Muragijima­na, company’s Head of Brand.

This belief, Mr Muragijima­na said, had seen Cellulant scale across multiple countries, evolve and innovate around the solutions offered to the market.

“Refreshing our brand identity is both an acknowledg­ement of a new chapter as a business but also an affirmatio­n that our mission and commitment to Africa still stands,” he said in a statement.

Cellulant is accelerati­ng digital payments adoption by connecting digital money capabiliti­es with yards in the LS- Works are going

the need for businesses to the contractor CONSTRUCTI­ON of and

receive broader payment on site. industrial yards in the

Lusaka options South and Multi- offer sophis“Once that Facility ticated Economic payments experidone, we will

Zone ences (LS-MFEZ) to their consumers. to see SMEs which Cellulant’s will boost acting local Group the zone and participat­ion Chief Executive in the Officer, from there,” Mr area Akshay is expected Grover, to said said. the be company completed had in the over years He also observed next learned 12 months. that it was no the lonneed to increase

Participat­ion ger a question whether incentives to of local investors willing to invest

digital payments would in the economic the zone. Mr

become ubiquitous across zone is currently expressed concern

Africa but rather, how fast low due to, among that Zambia had

it could accelerate the other reasons, the competitio­n from

adoption of local payment minimum investment countries such

options. of US$500,000 which Rwanda, Kenya,

“Therefore, by unifying Egypt, South some locals say is

the payment experience­s Mozambique prohibitiv­e.

LS-MFEZ for both Business businesses Zimbabwe and that Developmen­t their consumers, we better can incentives. Manager, unlock Francis hundreds of milMr Kunda said Kunda, lions said of consumers minimum and US$ constructi­on allow them works to transact of 000 diginvestm­ent the itally industrial in their yards local context. investors to qualify were currently “We do this on by removing available incentives course. layers of complexity was to an a limiting

Mr already Kunda complex financial local businesses. explained system- that simplifyin­g the however the said industrial way people yards, pay and had get been lobbying once completed, its parent Ministry

paid,” Mr Grover said. would boost local Commerce Trade

Only 38 percent of Afripartic­ipation in the Industry which

ca’s 1.2 billion population economic zones. talking to Ministry

will have a bank account

He explained in Finance to improve

by 2022, and cash still an interview that incentives.

commands 90 percent of the industrial yards “For investors

all transactio­ns in Sub-Saqualify, one has would enable small

haran Africa. and medium sized invest minimum entreprene­urs However, to set due to US$500,000 the up Covid-19 businesses pandemic, in the some there of the local zone. is a shift towards investors digithat

“That tal payments one is on the driven limiting by factor. table businesses’ and we have need to you stainvest less Citizen bilise Economic their revenues S$500, and 000 you and increased Empowermen­t preference not be by entitled Commission consumers who to are use contactinc­entives,” Mr constructi­ng less payment industrial solutions. said.

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