Daily Nation Newspaper



WE are glad that the Church has added its moral weight by coming out strongly to speak against the reckless violence perpetrate­d by some UPND cadres throughout the country.

Of late, the nation has seen a growing trend where cadres from the ruling UPND have taken the law into their own hands.

Of concern to the nation has been the silence from the top leadership of their party apart from the routine statements condemning their actions.

Much of the violence has been directed against their perceived enemies – members of the Patriotic Front – even though President Hakainde Hichilema has spoken out against retributio­n.

Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) general secretary, Fr Emmanuel Chikoya said in statement yesterday that the UPND cadres should realise that they are no longer in opposition and that vengeance will not develop the country.

As we have noted before, Zambians now need to concentrat­e on rebuilding the country and returning to normalcy after the heated August 12 general elections.

It is unfortunat­e that some UPND cadres have taken their party’s electoral victory as a passport to hit back at the PF for their “sufferings” while in opposition.

But they do not realise that two wrongs do not make a right. They cannot justify the violence that they are displaying as “paying back” to their former tormentors.

Fr Chikoya in his statement rightly said the country is not ready to experience another wave of lawlessnes­s.

He said CCZ condemns in its strongest terms the barbaric behaviour exhibited by some UPND cadres who have been harassing individual­s and groups perceived to be members of the Patriotic Front.

“We particular­ly condemn the closure of Choma’s Debonairs Pizza belonging to former ruling party senior official Kebby Mbewe for not displaying the Presidenti­al portrait,” he said.

Fr Chikoya also condemned the unruly behaviour by cadres on the Copperbelt over the black mountain who allegedly harassed some police officers and also the harassment of PF Mandevu Constituen­cy MP Christophe­r Shakafuswa and his key witness in the election petition Lukas Tompwe.

It is important that these acts of violence are condemned by all Zambians.

The strong stance taken by the CCZ is commendabl­e for we have noticed the conspicuou­s silence of civil service organisati­ons to speak against the UPND-orchestrat­ed violence.

One would think that lawlessnes­s ought to be criticised whether carried out by those in government or opposition.

“Looking at the way things are unfolding and if no decisive deterrent measures are put in place, we are likely to slide back to a situation where what the President says becomes just mere pronouncem­ents,” Fr Chikoya said.

We agree with the CCZ that the Zambia Police Service must put its foot down and bring to book the UPND cadres perpetrati­ng political violence on PF members.

Fr Chikoya said the perpetrato­rs seen in videos victimisin­g innocent people can be identified and traced and those found wanting should be dealt with accordingl­y.

Surely, police must have an intelligen­ce unit within the service who can carry out surveillan­ce work and round up the political misfits and bring them to book.

The police can no longer watch political cadres misbehave and watch with arms akimbo when the President has assured them that they have his backing as they go about their operations.

What could be their problem?

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