Daily Nation Newspaper

New dawn will be one-term administra­tion - Lifwekelo


PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema will be a oneterm presidency because of his failure to honour the change he promised Zambians, says PF deputy media director Edwin Lifwekelo.

Mr Lifwekelo said reality has dawned on the new dawn administra­tion that running a Government is not as easy saying “Bally will fix it.”

He said going by the many wrong decisions the new dawn government is making on important national affairs, there is a likelihood that the UPND will be chucked out of office come the 2026 general elections.

Mr Lifwekelo said the looming increase in electrify and fuel pump price will result in increased poverty among citizens as the price of essential goods are likely to skyrocket to proportion­s never experience­d in the past.

He said the lies the UPND made will continue haunting them until 2026, because Mr Hichilema and his team have lamentably failed to provide good leadership but instead concentrat­ed on wanting to persecute PF leaders.

Mr Lifwekelo who also once served as UPND deputy national spokespers­on said the performanc­e of the UPND so far, has not inspired many Zambians who thought the change of Government was going to better their lives.

He said the people of Zambia were warned against listening to campaign lies by the UPND and now should blame themselves for voting out a performing PF government led by President, Edgar Lungu. “We warned the Zambian people that they were putting in an inexperien­ced Government that will involve itself in try and error, but they didn’t listen,” said Mr Lifwekelo.

He said so far there are no benefits that the people have derived from change of Government because things are getting worse from where the PF left from.

“There is nothing progressiv­e the UPND government has achieved which they can point at and say it has brought positive change to the country,” he said.

Mr Lifwekelo said under the PF government, electricit­y load shedding became a thing of the past but that now under the UPND, blackouts have returned to haunt the country.

He also said despite the UPND, while in opposition promising Zambian people that once in office were going to reduce the price of mealie meal to K50 per 25kg bag, the staple food is still fetching at over K130 per bag in some areas. Mr Lifwekelo also said, following the many inconsiste­ncies on a number of issues by the new dawn government, he doubts if the current administra­tion will even honour its pledge in the 2022 national budget, to provide free education up to Grade 12.

“Already, they back-peddled in their campaign promise that they were going to provide free education up to university level. I therefore doubt if they will even honour free education up to secondary level,” he said.

 ?? ?? Mr Hichilema at his inaugurati­on
Mr Hichilema at his inaugurati­on

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