Daily Nation Newspaper



WE understand the government’s dilemma in its efforts to look after the health of Zambians in the wake of the impending fourth wave while trying to contain the effects of the new Omicron Covid-19 variant.

Health Minister Sylvia Masebo on Sunday announced several measures that included barring those without vaccinatio­n certificat­es from accessing public and government buildings.

Already, there have been protests that the measures abrogate the rights of citizens to choose whether to be vaccinated or not.

While these concerns are genuine, it is important that people take up the vaccinatio­n drive seriously and do so on their own.

Yes, the government has never forced anyone to take the Covid-19 vaccinatio­n but has always relied on people to make an informed decision and appreciate why they need to be vaccinated.

Zambians are aware that Health experts have been warning about a fourth wave that could be more deadly than the third wave that stretched the country’s health institutio­ns to the limit.

What is obvious is that the country cannot continue with the low-key approach on Covid-19 vaccinatio­n when the situation in neighbouri­ng countries has taken a turn for the worse.

Government has had to step up the vaccinatio­n programme after several European countries tightened their travel restrictio­ns with the discovery of a new coronaviru­s variant in South Africa earlier this week.

The variant is very different to the others that have emerged so far. Scientists have said it is the most heavily mutated version yet, which means vaccines, which were designed using the original strain from Wuhan, may not be as effective.

As we have pointed out before, Zambia being a major trading hub in the region with trucks crisscross­ing the country transporti­ng goods, the nation cannot afford to ignore the unfolding danger in the region even though Covid-19 cases have been on the decline.

It is always better though to take precaution­s than wait until disaster strikes. This is what the government is doing.

It has asked citizens not only to take the vaccinatio­n but also enforce and observe the five golden rules to protect themselves from Covid-19.

Zambians must have surely learnt by now that the Covid-19 pandemic transcends borders and what is happening in one country cannot be ignored.

Covid cases in South Africa are on the rise ahead of a predicted fourth wave. The country has recorded 1, 886 new virus cases since Saturday and 22 deaths from coronaviru­s.

Experience must have taught Zambians that whatever happens in South Africa is more likely to replicate itself in Zambia and Government cannot therefore be faulted for taking stringent measures.

In Parliament on Tuesday, Health Minister Masebo was put under pressure on the government’s decision to force civil servants to undergo Covid-19 vaccinatio­n.

Pambashe Member of Parliament Ronald Chitotela who rose on the point of public importance said the announceme­nt by Government to the effect that those who have not been vaccinated and present a certificat­e will not be allowed to access public buildings was unconstitu­tional and against the bill of rights.

Mr Chitotela said the government should remember that there are fundamenta­lists in the Seventh Day Adventists Church and the Jehovah’s Witnesses who do not take vaccines and wondered what will happen to such people.

It is a Catch-22 situation for the authoritie­s but we have every confidence that a way will be found, that will still ensure that national interests take centre-stage amidst concerns raised by Mr Chitotela and others.

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