Daily Nation Newspaper


- Dear Editor, EMMANUEL SAINENENDE, Lusaka.

ON Tuesday, the ACC whose operations are now under State House announced that they have arrested and charged two persons with two counts in relation to the mysterious luxurious flats in Rock field.

Many people felt relieved as this issue as dodged many questions with individual­s making claims and counter claims.

I may be the only Jew but this arrest and subsequent indictment to me is devoid of both logic and common sense hence I am not sure that the nation will see justice in this matter owing to the following reasons:

The suspect who is an accountant at the ministry of Finance and is said to be a nephew to a very senior UPND official who is also a member of the new dawn inner circle as a cabinet minister, fled the country immediatel­y the flats were discovered and ownership became an issue.

He only resurfaced when the UPND formed government! Having been in hiding for months, what gave him the confidence to come and claim his flats together with his job?

It is a notorious fact that in the civil service, anyone who absents himself /herself from work without justificat­ion or any lawful excuse, for a period of ten consecutiv­e working days is dismissed.

b. How prepared is the ACC to successful­ly prosecute this matter? An acquittal will mean not only the government surrenderi­ng the flats to this suspect but the suspect will be on firm ground to claim all the monies the government has been collecting as rentals plus interest since he fled into hiding!

c. Why is the ACC so determined to prosecute this suspect when the Vice President is on record that there is a window period for amnesty? Why hasn't the ACC applied the same law they had applied on Faith Musonda

I smell a rat in all this!!

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