Daily Nation Newspaper

Government hails Response Network for support


THE district administra­tion in Livingston­e has hailed Response Network, a Nongovernm­ental organisati­on operating in Livingston­e, Kazungula and Zimba for supplement­ing government's efforts in areas of education, poverty reduction and humanitari­an assistance.

District Commission­er, Eunice Nawa has observed that since its inception in 2005, Response Network has constructe­d over 50 community schools which has led to over 11,000 rural children accessing primary education.

Ms Nawa said that she was proud to administer over a city which has organisati­ons and people that realise and practice the ideology of “Ubuntu" believing in a universal bond of sharing and connecting all humanity. Speaking during the handover of Christmas food hampers to more than 600 families yesterday, Ms Nawa said, the district administra­tion hails such humanitari­an contributi­ons in the community where women, persons with disabiliti­es and the girl child are the most marginaliz­ed and vulnerable.

"To the best of my knowledge, Response Network as a Non-profit organisati­on has been in existence since 2005. It is a rights-based self-help facilitati­on organisati­on which has contribute­d a great deal in poverty alleviatio­n through selfhelp activities in Kazungula, Zimba and Kalomo districts of Southern Province," she said.

"In the area of education, Response Network has greatly complement­ed Government efforts through constructi­on of over 50 community schools in rural communitie­s in Zimba, Kazungula and Kalomo. This has led to over 11,000 rural children accessing primary education," Ms Nawa said.

She disclosed that in Livingston­e, the organisati­on with Academic Work of

Sweden was supporting over 600 vulnerable girls in 43 schools with School fees and other prerequisi­tes.

She added that at the same time, over 140 girls had accessed skills training and over 40 have accessed tertiary education which some of whom were now working as nurses and teachers.

And Response Network, Country Director Mutukwa Matengenya said that the organizati­on had been supporting the sponsorshi­p program since 2010 and it focused on vulnerable girls that were unable to be supported by families. Mr Matengenya said that giving food hampers to the sponsored girls and their families has been a tradition done by the organizati­on.

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