Daily Nation Newspaper

Chikanta calls for punitive action to curb cattle rustling


GOVERNMENT should put up punitive measures on livestock movement to curb the alarming increase in cas es of cattle rustling, Senior Chief Chikanta has said.

Senior Chief Chikanta of the Tonga people in Kalomo said in an interview that the increase in stock thefts in Southern Province was be cause of the upsurge in the price of beef.

He said urgent measures should be taken to arrest the problem that now threatens to decimate the livelihood of villagers.

“I am deeply concerned with the increase in cattle rustling here in Kalomo and other parts of the province. Because of the increase in the price of beef, some peo ple have taken advantage by stealing animals to go and sell on the black market. This is not good as it disturbs the growth of the private sector. So government should put punitive measures on live stock movement to try and curb stock thefts,” Senior Chief Chikanta said.

He also called on Govern ment to ensure that the 2022 budget is implemente­d ac cordingly so that every sector benefits from it.

“We are very expectant about the implementa­tion of the budget especially that the Constituen­cy Developmen­t Fund (CDF), which is the main source of small-scale developmen­t in rural areas, has been increased to K25.7 million for each constituen­cy.

This is falling within the decentrali­sation programme. You cannot do proper decen tralisatio­n without proper funding,” he said.

Senior Chief Chikanta said the focus for Government and all citizens is the coun try’s economic recovery.

“We can only make the Zambian economy better when everyone participat­es. We have to put our efforts to gether and not leave the job to Government alone. Hard work and determinat­ion from every Zambian will result into a better economy,” he said.

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