Daily Nation Newspaper



OVER the last few months, we have engaged in height ened criticism of President Hakainde Hichilema’s new dawn administra­tion.

Understand­ably so, our crit icism has been premised on the strong understand­ing that the UPND over promised during election campaigns. Our heavy handed approach to our politics has been driven by a clear con viction that Zambia deserves better and can and should be better.

The UPND received a re sounding mandate from the Zambian people on August 12, 2021, that victory gave them an opportunit­y to preside over our national affairs for five years. Taking full recognisan­ce that the UPND still has well over four years to govern, we wish to announce that our approach to politics will now change.

We will allow our colleagues to enjoy and fully execute their mandate. We will engage in matters that only go to develop the nation. We will not dwell on name calling, character assassi nation and tribal divisivene­ss.

Our approach henceforth shall be civil, fortified on facts and delivered with the full sin cerity on the need for nation building.

As we do so, we will not take our eyes off our collective resolve to develop this country. We will voice out when need arises. We will point issues that we do not agree with but the central theme of our message will be developmen­t.

Our primary focus will now be on serving the people of

Kabushi. With the new CDF model, we believe, working together with our people in Kabushic we can deliver sustain able solutions to the problems that continue to face us in our constituen­cy.

It is evident that President Hichilema and his govern ment have inflicted pain on me and my family, we forgive him wholeheart­edly and we don’t hold any grudges.

In the same token, we know that some of our actions and words may have injured the Head of State and the First Family, from the deepest part of our hearts, we apologise and seek his forgivenes­s.

We wish to turn a new page in our approach to politics and our first point of call is for us to make peace with all those we may wronged in our previous manner of conducting politics.

We remain resolved to sup port President Hichilema’s fight against corruption. We believe this fight is noble and intended to help develop Zambia.

If there are any resources that belong to Zambia that may have been looted, they should be re covered and rechannele­d for the benefit of all.

We also strongly believe that this fight should be conducted in a just, fair and humane manner.

We will support this govern ment to deliver to the Zambian people as they promised because if the UPND delivers, Zambia wins.

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