Daily Nation Newspaper



WE have been hearing on TV, radio, social media and newspa pers over the arrest of prominent politician­s especially those who worked under the government of the Patriotic Front (PF) and those who are not in favour of the new dawn administra­tion.

The government and Anti-Corruption Commission are abusing their power in the name of pleasing the authority. The arresting of in dividual persons is not fair justice and if one has done any crime why do they have to acquit by just getting property without providing clear evidence to the public.

Why should police officers continue arresting individual­s just to make the country excited and later acquit them without proper evi dence? It is becoming too much and the government should stop fight ing individual­s.

Since the new dawn came into power we have never heard of a group of people arrested for money laundering but it is always individual­s which shows that they are targeting specific people they have listed.

Furthermor­e, we still don’t understand the AAC and government direction in arresting people and benefit because getting property and acquitting them shows that there are also individual­s in the new dawn who want to steal and benefit from that.

The government and police are busy making headlines instead of working and concentrat­ing on important matters.

We are tired that they are making us anxious and excited over noth ing and judges are busy extending months into years over cases which can be handled in less than three months. Looking at how the govern ment and police are operating politicall­y, there is no way they can be arresting anyhow. There must be valid evidence before arresting some one and fighting individual­s is a wrong move for the new dawn and it must be condemned at all cost.

The government should not forget that we have heard a lot of prom ises in recent years and they are fallingslo­wly back to what they used to condemn before elections.

Apart from the government telling us who stole money and so on, still we have not seen anyone being jailed. There must be an update on each person whom the government is accusing of theft and stealing.

The government has given too much power to police and ACC such that they have started abusing the law itself. There must be freedom of speech at all cost and if the government continue with this habit of arresting anyhow then the country will be in fear of being arrested.

In conclusion, each individual must be treated fairly as a citizen as long as he is not guilty of any charges against him. Stop fighting indi viduals in the name of pleasing the authority.

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