Daily Nation Newspaper



STAKEHOLDE­RS have appealed to Steroids can help the sickest government to prioritise deploying more health personnel to Solwezi district in the ongo

patients, studies show

ing recruitmen­t of staff.

This is because the mining town has inadequate health personnel.

In a statement issued

I shortly NTERNATION­AL after the informacli­nical steroids for treatment of pation trials sharing confirm on health the hope and tients with severe or critical water, that the the stakeholde­rs cheap, widely who Covid-19 worldwide. But included available civil drugs society can help organiseth­e agency recommende­d sations, riously ill government patients departsurv­ive. against giving the drugs to ments The World such as Health health, Organimemp­atients “In this with regard, mild disease. we are bers zation of is Ward expected Developmen­t to release appealing The new to studies government include Committees, new guidelines civic encouragin­g leaders, through an analysis the that ministry pooled data of Kansanshi their use. mine and tradiHealt­h from seven to prioritise randomized Solwezi clintional Internatio­nal leaders, said clinical the inadtridis­trict ical trials in the evaluating ongoing three reequate als published manpower on is Wednesday comprocrui­tment steroids of in the over over 1,700 11,000 pamising confirmed the delivery the hope of quality that health tients. personnel, The study “reads concluded the health cheap, services. widely available stestateme­nt that each in of part. the three drugs

roid The drugs stakeholde­rs can help said seriously with reduced The stakeholde­rs the risk of have death. also the ill patients increase survive in population, Covid-19, appealed That paper to government and three relatto there the illness is need for caused government by the urgently ed studies expedite were the published process in to coronaviru­s. prioritise Solwezi in terms of the constructi­ng journal JAMA, the along hospital with of health Following personnel. release of the where an editorial the ground describing breaking the renew data, the World Health search as an “important step Organizati­on on Wednesforw­ard in the treatment of day strongly recommende­d patients with Covid-19.”

Steroids like dexamethas­one, hydrocorti­sone ceremony and methylpred­nisolone to mark the commenceme­nt are often of used the by construcdo­ction tors was to done tamp recently down by the Vice

body’s immune system,

President Mutale Nalumango.

alleviatin­g inflammati­on,

They have also called on

swelling and pain. Many

the government to improve

Covid-19 patients die not

the infrastruc­ture at various

of the virus, but of the

health facilities in the district

body’s overreacti­on to

in order to meet the growing

the infection.


The stakeholde­rs have also observed that the poor road Corticoste­roids network has affected should

now be the first-line treatthe delivery of quality health services in the district hence the need to improve the road network.

They have demanded that government releases funds to upgrade the Solwezi General Hospital which currently is the only referral hospital in the district.

“Similarly, we appeal to government to extend this gesture to all the rural and urban health facilities in the district,” said the stakeholde­rs.

The stakeholde­rs have further observed that there is lack of essential medicines in health facilities in the district.

They have appealed to government to address the issue and called for the formation of community based support groups.

They have appealed to government to extend the National Health Insurance Management Agency ( NHIMA) to all health facilities in the district.


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