Daily Nation Newspaper



TUNIS - Tunisian judges decided on Saturday to extend their national strike for a third week in protest of a decision by President Kais Saied to sack dozens of them, the judges said.

Saied dismissed 57 judges June 1, accusing them of corruption and protecting terrorists - charges that the Tunisian Judges’ Associatio­n said were mostly politicall­y motivated.

Judges suspended their work in courts June 4 and said the president’s decisions were designed to control the judiciary and its use against his political opponents.

The judges decided unanimousl­y to extend the strike for a third week ... to hold a day of rage in which the judges will protest in the streets in their uniforms,” Mourad Massoudi, the head of the Young Judges Associatio­n said.

He said members of the judges’ associatio­n had decided to stage a hunger strike against the decision to dismiss them. Another judge, Hamadi Rahmani, confirmed the decision.

Saied’s move heightened accusation­s at home and abroad that he has consolidat­ed one-man rule after assuming

executive powers last summer. He subsequent­ly set aside the 2014 constituti­on to rule by decree and dismissed the elected parliament.

Saied says his moves are needed to cleanse the judiciary of rampant corruption and that he does not aim to control the judiciary.

Meanwhile, thousands of protesters took to the streets of the capital on Saturday in opposition to a referendum on a new constituti­on called by President Saied that would cement his hold on power.

The protest led by Abir Moussi, leader of the Free Constituti­onal Party, reflected growing opposition to Saied since he seized executive power last year, dissolving parliament and ruling by decree in a move opponents called a coup.

Saied is seeking to overhaul the constituti­on to give the presidency more powers, against the backdrop of a tanking economy and fears of a public finance crisis. He intends to put the new constituti­on to a referendum on July 25.

His supporters say he is standing up to elite forces whose bungling and corruption have condemned Tunisia to a decade of political paralysis and economic stagnation.

However nearly all Tunisia’s political parties have rejected the proposed referendum, along with the powerful UGTT labour union.

 ?? ?? President Kais Saied
President Kais Saied

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