Daily Nation Newspaper



TUNIS - Frustrated motorists queued in long lines outside Tunisian petrol stations on Tuesday even after the energy minister had said a shortage would end on Monday with a new delivery of fuel.

Many petrol stations started running out of fuel over the weekend as imports slowed and national supplies dropped, leading to lines of cars stretching kilometres in some places, causing bad traffic in Tunisian cities.

“I didn’t go to work today,” said Mohamed Neji, who had been waiting for an hour and a half in the Ariana district of Tunis.

“We’ve become like refugees in our own country,” he added, alluding to other shortages that have struck Tunisia in recent weeks including flour, sugar, butter, milk and cooking oil.

Tunisia faces a crisis in public finances and the influentia­l labour union which has branches in government and national supply sectors says the state has struggled to pay for imports of goods that it sells at subsidised rates.

President Kais Saied, who moved to rule by decree after shutting down parliament last year and expanding his powers with a new constituti­on, has blamed hoarders and speculator­s for goods shortages.

Tunisia hopes soon to finalise a staff-level agreement with the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund for a rescue programme that could also unlock billions of dollars in bilateral support from other countries.

However, it is not clear if it can push through the reforms that the IMF wants, including reductions in subsidies that are opposed by the labour union.

Near petrol stations in Tunis on Tuesday there was furious honking from cars as lines of waiting motorists blocked traffic lanes, with vehicles crammed into the spaces around.

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