Daily Nation Newspaper


…as Munir Zulu sends Speaker Mutti Valentine roses


THE UPND has so far recalled 234 diplomats from foreign service from the time it formed government in August 2021 with most of them who are civil servants not having been redeployed but are earning their salaries without working, Parliament heard yesterday.

And Munir Zulu, the Lumezi Member of Parliament yesterday played romantic when he sent a bouquet of rose flowers to Speaker of the National Assembly Nelly Mutti who could not hide but announce to the House about the gesture.

Mr Charles Milupi, the acting Minister of Foreign

Affairs and Internatio­nal Cooperatio­n said of the 234 recalled officers, 133 were permanent and pensionabl­e while 101 were on contracts and 52 were redeployed but 81 are yet to be reassigned but have continued to receive their salaries. Mr Milupi was responding to a question for oral answer from Mr Oliver Amutike, the UPND Mongu Central MP who wanted to know how many recalled civil servants from foreign missions were still on the payroll as of August, 2023 and if so, why they had been maintained. Mr Milupi explained that there were two categories of diplomats comprising permanent and pensionabl­e ones and those on contracts.

"There are 81 permanent and pensionabl­e officers who were recalled and are still on the payroll. They are maintained on the payroll because they are permanent and pensionabl­e and PSMD (Public Service Management Division) will redeploy them once there are vacancies," he said.

Mr Milupi said when an officer is recalled, it takes as long as it can take to have a vacancy to be redeployed.

He said this in response to a question from Mr Stephen Kampyongo, the PF Shiwang'andu MP who wanted to know how long it took for one to be redeployed.

Mr Mutotwe Kafwaya, the PF Lunte legislator said the 133 civil servants on the payroll and yet not working were idling.

Meanwhile, Petauke Independen­t MP Jay Banda, complained that the Speaker unfairly left him out on a matter of urgent public importance.

Mr Banda said other members like nominated MP Likando Mufalali was given an opportunit­y to rise on a point of order against Mr Kafwaya while he was denied such an opportunit­y.

“I had even written a note to you,” he said before the Speaker cut him off and said:

“Please do not engage into correspond­ence while I am presiding. Don’t write any note to me. You have been given the floor, ask your question,” Ms Mutti said.

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