Daily Nation Newspaper



THE Zambia Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ZACCI) has challenged the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) to get to know its tax base better by simplifyin­g tax procedures.

ZACCI was confident that simplifyin­g tax procedures and making them more accessible could encourage businesses to register and pay taxes.

Through its president, Anthony Kabaghe, ZACCI encouraged ZRA to continue applying soft diplomacy and an opendoor policy, which would go a long way in incentivis­ing voluntary tax compliance from citizens.

Mr Kabaghe said this in Lusaka during a recent virtual meeting between ZRA and ZACCI where they held a consultati­ve dialogue meeting with different key players and the business sector.

“Tax education and collaborat­ions at the grassroot level are the key to expanding the tax base. Educating business owners on the importance of taxes, the benefits of compliance, and the penalties for non-compliance can encourage more businesses to register and pay taxes,” Mr Kabaghe said.

ZACCI, during the meeting, was steadfast in calling for enhanced tax education among citizens outside of major economic hubs and across Zambia.

“Engaging the informal sector for tax purposes requires a couple of approaches such as simplifica­tion of procedures, incentives, education, collaborat­ion, technology, and flexible payment options,” Mr Kabaghe said.

During the meeting, ZACCI highlighte­d several challenges, including cash flow challenges affecting compliance, misinterpr­etation of tax laws, and difficulty in accessing tax incentives and exemptions.

The participan­ts also discussed the need to simplify the tax system to make it more accessible to businesses and enhance voluntary compliance.

Responding to ZACCI, the ZRA Commission­er-General, Mr Dingani Banda, explained that Government had put more emphasis on the need to support the MSME sector, and support through tax incentives.

During the engagement, the participan­ts discussed the challenges business entities face in meeting their tax obligation­s and explored potential solutions. The meeting also provided a platform for the participan­ts to give feedback on matters of taxation.

 ?? ?? Mr Kabaghe
Mr Kabaghe

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