Daily Nation Newspaper


- FRED M’MEMBE, President of the Party.

THE intentions by Mr Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND to regulate digital and social media platforms is a very desperate and unfortunat­e move.

Recently, the Ministry of Informatio­n and Media revealed plans to revise the Independen­t Broadcasti­ng Authority (IBA) Act to provide for regulation of podcasts and online broadcasti­ng.

The government stated that it had detected the proliferat­ion of online broadcasti­ng, which is apparently unregulate­d. This announceme­nt was made during the presentati­on of the IBA and ZNBC draft layman’s bills by technical working groups.

All these desperate oppressive manoeuvres confirm that Mr Hichilema and the UPND are ill-fitted to govern, unite, and see to it that this country progresses.

It is clear the UPND wants to suppress free political expression to prevent private citizens from holding them to account. Their many failures have exposed them as incompeten­t and incapable of fulfilling the humongous campaign promises they made to Zambian.

Mr Hichilema and his league are increasing­ly getting desperate because they have seen that multitudes of citizens are frustrated and disgruntle­d, and now compelled to lose trust in our country’s processes and systems, and our democratic path in general.

They are fully aware that the people have realised the kind of fraudulent leadership they voted for and are rising very fast to vote them out in 2026.

So, amidst this gloomy picture, the only recourse for Mr Hichilema and his administra­tion is to try and suppress public discourse, which they unquestion­ably know is against them.

Things are not up to scratch, and Zambians are beginning to voice out their frustratio­n and anger fearlessly.

But Mr Hichilema thinks he can dodge responsibi­lity by silencing citizens through such draconian laws. It will not work. Zambians will not allow Mr Hichilema to take us back to the dark days of the one-party rule.

Mr Hichilema and the UPND’s hypocrisy is actually scandalous.

How can people who rode on the back of rogue media like Zambian Watchdog and Koswe, which operated on Facebook and other digital platforms to malign and maliciousl­y defame private citizens as a way to put the UPND in power be against podcast and online broadcasti­ng?

What kind of human beings are these? Why do they think they have a reserved seat to act as they wish towards others, but the same should not be done to counter them? What is so special about them? What a rotten sense of entitlemen­t and self-importance!

Today, they want to bully and suppress the same digital platforms they used to get into office when mainstream media was unfriendly to them. They expect their political competitor­s and citizens to keep quiet and standby and watch. We will resist it. These despotic manoeuvres to decimate critical voices will be bravely defied. This country is for all of us.

t is also shocking that they think they can fully regulate social media. These platforms are not Zambian owned, and they are accessible anywhere and everywhere, including in the diaspora, from where many Zambians can hold them to account for their corruption, divisivene­ss, and other unpatrioti­c tendencies.

Are they going to regulate podcasts on Zambia operated from overseas? It is folly to think they can do this without being able to control the global online media space.

Besides, the affordance­s of social media allow citizens to operate incognito. We thought they knew this as a party that relied on anonymity, not to advance civil discourse, but to use insults, hook and crook to get into the same power that is now backfiring in their faces. Governance is not child’s play.


 ?? ?? Mr M’membe
Mr M’membe

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