Daily Nation Newspaper

New state counsel shock

- Nelson Njawa

Dear Sir,

The swearing in of three new state counsel is shocking and a wakeup call to the sleeping Zambians, who are failing to realize that the ground has shifted as the gradual but very certain decay of our democracy progresses.

All the three UPND members, namely Jack Mwiimbu, Nelly Mutti and Mwangala Zaloumis are at the head of institutio­ns that have mounted an unconstitu­tional campaign against democracy by promoting Miles Sampa to take over the one strong and largest opposition party, the Patriotic Front.

The matter is in court but the President has no qualms appointing the three to the “judicial” rank indicating his disregard for the rule of law. This blatant and open show of disregard for matters before courts of law indicates the nature of politics that Zambians can expect- it is not pretty, because nothing is sacred.

Soon the opposition will be emasculate­d and indeed by dint of the proposed new IBA act all critical voices will also be shut down.

It is a signal that whatever goes through the various institutio­ns of governance will bend to the political caprice dictated by the executive.

Most importantl­y, however flawed, unconstitu­tional and illegal as the Miles Sampa campaign has been proved will not be reversed because it has the blessings of the highest offices in Zambia and nothing short of an equally unconstitu­tional, illegal and irregular will correct the situation.

Zambians should forget the law in all matters political because Mingalato will prevail. Nothing will happen in our courts of law, nothing will happen in Parliament and nobody will control the Police in their conduct, they are the beginning and end of law.

The country has changed and those who expected a new order can now expect beyond all their wildest expectatio­n because the rule of law has ceased to exist. They can now expect Miles Sampa to expel all MPs who do not support him and new by-elections will be supervised by the Electoral Commission of Zambia where only his candidates will stand by oder of ECZ. Any complaints to the courts will be tried in 2027 as an academic exercise and nay rowdy protestati­on will be met with force by the Police led by State Counsel Jack Mwiimbu.

Ring leaders of such protests will be arrested to be detained indefinite­ly by the Police who are not answerable to any authority as has already been exhibited. The constituti­on is afterall just a piece of paper.

This is the nature of our new politics.

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