Daily Nation Newspaper

Opposition feeling Mutti’s misconduct in parliament - Mundubile


OPPOSITION leader in parliament, Brian Mundubile, has called on the Speaker of the National Assembly, Nelly Mutti, and her deputy to act in accordance with the law as their misconduct is felt by the lawmakers.

Mr Mundubile, whob is also Mporokoso Member of Parliament, urged the two not to overshadow opposition members of parliament.

He said this when he featured on Millennium TV’s the Platform Programme on Sunday evening.

“The Speaker and her deputy are developing a tendency of being biased towards opposition members of parliament making it difficult for them to offer credible checks and balances.

“Ms Mutti is supposed to act as a mediator during parliament­ary proceeding­s and must thus see opposition leaders as allies who is only task is to provide checks and balances in parliament,” Mr Mundubile said.

Mr Munduble stated that their misconduct is felt in parliament.

The lawmaker has since condemned his suspension from parliament and that of Mambilima Member of Parliament, Jean Chisenga.

The criticism has been backed by Political Analyst, Alex Ng’oma.

Ms Chisenga's suspension occurred due to a complaint by Muchinga member of parliament Emmanuel Banda, who accused her of misconduct on March 15, 2024, during the president's departure from parliament after his address on National Values and Principles.

Dr Ngoma has emphasised that Zambia upholds democratic values, stating that government should honour these principles and avoid restrictio­ns on freedom of expression.

Dr Ngoma mentioned that it is unfair to punish Ms Chisenga for sharing her thoughts about the president's behaviour.

He further said the UPND administra­tion must develop resilience and demonstrat­e tolerance to foster democracy.

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