Daily Nation Newspaper



THE yet to be launched 3rd Force will be a people-driven movement and it shall not belong to an individual, Mr Muhabi Lungu has said.

Mr Lungu said most people were merely using political parties as a vehicle for their political ambitions and others even sold a political party because such political formations often belonged to individual­s.

He said it was time to be mature and bring together all those who were experience­d in governance and form an institutio­n which did not belong to anyone but had an ideology.

“When people of equal minds get together, no one single individual could bulldoze the decision. Almost all the members of the 3rd Force have agreed that something needs to be done and The 3rd Force is definitely needed,” Mr Lungu said in an interview

He said the only delay in launching the 3rd Force was that some members wanted to form a political party right away while others first wanted it to be a movement which would be turned into a political party.

“The indecision whether to out rightly form a political party or first become a movement had partly caused the delay to launch The 3rd Force. However, the majority of the members are of the idea of forming a political party but they do not want to bulldoze the idea and want to reach the decision by consensus so that they all moved together as one,” Mr Lungu said.

He hoped that in the next few weeks, a decision shall be made whether to first become a movement or right away turn into a political party.

He said the 3rd Force had a specific timely to decide whether they will become a movement or a political party because they cannot keeping on postponing the issue as they had been deliberati­ng for the last seven months.

Mr Lungu said in the seven months, they had ironed out all other issues except for the one to either become a movement or political party.

He said so the issue would be dealt with within the next one to two months and announce to the public.

Mr Lungu said within three months after making that decision, the 3rd Force would come up with an interim leadership for the party or movement.

He said the 3rd Force would not elect leaders from themselves but would open it up for outsiders so that there was a greater pool of selection in terms of leadership.

“The 3rd Force is not about myself or Dr Mbita Chitala or the other good names which have not yet come out in the open. We will recruit talent especially from those who had not made up their minds to support UPND or UKA,” Mr Lungu said.

He said he was not interested to belong to a political party owned by an individual where he would kneel and roll his belly to its leader because a person who had been chosen was a leader and not a monarchy.

Mr Lungu said he was tired working in a political party that had no ideas but all they wanted was to remove someone from power without direction.

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