Daily Nation Newspaper



FORMER President Edgar Lungu’s call to give the ruling UPND party a chance to prove their worth in the remaining two and a half years of their tenure is a timely reminder of a crucial debate about the essence of democracy and responsibl­e governance.

Mr Lungu’s remarks, while acknowledg­ing the shortcomin­gs of the UPND’s initial performanc­e, underscore the importance of allowing elected leaders the opportunit­y to fulfill their mandate without undue interferen­ce.

In his statement, Mr Lungu articulate­s a fundamenta­l principle of democracy: respecting the electoral process and the will of the people.

Despite his acknowledg­ment of the UPND’s disappoint­ing start, Mr Lungu advocates for patience and restraint, urging Zambians to refrain from premature judgment and interferen­ce.

His stance reflects a commitment to democratic principles and the rule of law, emphasisin­g the need for continuity and stability in governance.

Mr Lungu’s call for unity and collective support for the current administra­tion transcends partisan politics.

By emphasisin­g the shared responsibi­lity of all Zambians in ensuring the success of the government, he brings out the interconne­ctedness of national progress and the well-being of its citizens. His plea for cooperatio­n resonates with the broader imperative of national developmen­t, urging citizens to prioritize the country’s interests above individual or party affiliatio­ns.

Furthermor­e, Mr Lungu’s analogy of football aptly illustrate­s the temporal nature of political mandates.

Just as in a football match, where teams have a finite period to score and secure victory, political leaders operate within a defined timeframe to deliver on their promises. By urging Zambians to give the UPND government the necessary space and time to implement their agenda, Mr Lungu underscore­s the importance of realistic expectatio­ns and constructi­ve engagement in the democratic process.

However, while Mr Lungu’s call for patience and support is commendabl­e, it should not translate into unconditio­nal acquiescen­ce or complacenc­y. Democracy thrives on accountabi­lity, transparen­cy, and the active participat­ion of citizens in holding their leaders accountabl­e.

As such, Zambians have a vital role to play in scrutinisi­ng the government’s actions, providing constructi­ve feedback, and advocating for policies that advance the collective welfare of society.

In conclusion, former President’s appeal for Zambians to give the UPND government a chance to prove itself is a timely reminder of the foundation­al principles of democracy and responsibl­e governance. While acknowledg­ing the challenges of the past, Mr Lungu’s message resonates with the imperative of national unity, progress, and collective responsibi­lity.

As the country moves forward, it is incumbent upon all citizens to remain engaged, vigilant, and actively contribute to shaping the future of Zambia.


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