Daily Nation Newspaper


- By Dr. CHRIS ZUMANI ZIMBA Email:chriszuman­iZimba.cz@ gmail.com

A. Introducti­on

In the book of Genesis, the Bible gives us an account of how Adam and Eve were deceived and manipulate­d by a dangerous traitor, a mere snake as opposed to a giant elephant or vicious lion to betray and disobey God in the garden of life called Eden. In Genesis 3:2-5, the Bible says:

2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,

3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”

4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.

5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

As we speak today, there are many Zambians as we as political leaders who are behaving exactly like this snake around President Hakainde Hichilema (HH): projecting false friendship when they mean to eat big and dump him soon-they are evil. These are slippery political traitors who pay false allegiance to HH and are manipulati­vely dancing treachery at Community House today because of what they are benefiting for now and nothing else.

In 2026 when HH is shamelessl­y detested, politicall­y rejected and brutally defeated by a countrywid­e mob of voters, these snakes- political traitors will automatica­lly evaporate from him, denounce Bally and start singing for the new Republican President. In this part one article, I have identified the first three (3) and will try to objectivel­y explain and justify why they fit into this context as captioned:

1. Enock Kavindele

This man is a legendary money lover and dangerous slippery fellow with zero trace of patriotism: mainly known for being a proxy of exploitive Western imperialis­ts at the expense of Zambia. He is one of Zambia’s former Vice Presidents without anything much to show or talk about politicall­y. At some point, it was very difficult to tell whether he was dead or alive because the man had buried himself in the sand in all areas.

In 2016, using his business tricks to win Lungu’s signature for his US$1.2-billion North Western Railway project, Enock Kavindele endorsed the president as “the best candidate” on 12th May, 216. He openly denounced HH and him like smelling dead dog everywhere. Mr. Kavindele even freely campaigned for ECL and was gladly flying with LUNGU. On 12th May, 2016, UPND’s Zambian Watchdog even ‘insulted’ him that “former rich man and Savimbi bloody diamonds agent- Kavindele endorses Lungu”. In 2016, HH was total political nonsense to Kavindele and Lungu was his only godfather and best political friend.

Now that HH has launched the North Western railway project where Kavindele has business interests with his American partners, Bally has become his only god to worship. On 9th April, 2024, Mr. Kavindele told News Diggers that “HH is the great leader, there is nothing positive he can learn from Lungu”, denouncing the very leader he once praised and campaigned for in 2016. The same Lungu whose shoes Kavindele was carelessly licking everywhere few years ago is now the Lungu he is politicall­y insulting with pomp, inconsiste­ncy and satanic malice.

In 2024, Mr. Kavindele is now shamelessl­y preaching that “Bally is the best president in the history of Zambia” when he knows that HH has nothing much to show citizens for now apart from unfilled promises, lies, failure, empty excuses, declaring disasters and selling national assets. It is shocking that the same Kavindele who was treated as UPND’s enemy during PF is now parading himself as the closest friend of Bally. Well, Bally must be warned: he is eating with a poisonous political snake that will bite, kill and bury him soon: Kavindele is a fat traitor politicall­y and will surely dump HH in 2026 as he has done it now to Lungu.

2. Laura Miti

She is a slippery human rights activist who has betrayed Zambians on moral grounds and will surely run away from HH after his defeat in 2026. We are talking about someone who made a carrier out of denouncing and protesting against the PF government in the name of defending human rights and democracy. And Miti marketed HH as the only savior to safeguard and guarantee the rights of all citizens while showing all colors of being a UPND sympathize­r. And she became respected among Western donors and received big money.

But today, Laura Miti is enjoying tax payers money as HH’s human rights commission­er when her own Human Rights Commission (HRC) Chairperso­n, Dr Pamela Sambo has consistent­ly revealed that “cases of police extra-judicial killings, alleged torture, cruel, inhuman treatment or degrading punishment of suspects, as well as other violations of human rights are now alarmingly high in Zambia the UPND government”. Without shame, Laura is still eating on the table of a government of HH with gross human rights violation reports everywhere in her face. Practicall­y, Laura is now an accomplice to these human rights violations of HH’s government by her appointmen­t.

Has Laura Miti protested naked at police headquarte­rs before IG Grapheal Musamba against all the growing human rights violations? No! Has Laura resigned? No! Has Laura openly denounced her political master-HH? No! She has done none of the above because she is a double standard traitor: she is not consistent and lacks moral integrity to live by what she believes. In the US, UK or Australia, such would have violently resigned in protest and HH would have been under frequent attack on moral grounds.

When Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba graciously offered her the media platform on “The

Conversati­on” to discuss national issues, shamelessl­y and demonicall­y, Laura Miti decided to erect our current dictator, HH as the best president and repeated her traditiona­l poisonous tongue against Lungu with different insults. With all state brutality, citizen oppression and authoritar­ianism by HH, Laura still drinks coffee at Community House with King Nebuchadne­zzar as a “human rights defender”. What nonsense is this in the world? Given her moral insensitiv­e, political contradict­ions, psychologi­cal insincerit­y, HH is dancing with the fish that swallowed Jonah in Laura. Thus, l am so sure that Laura will betray Bally and run away like a mad bird from him in 2026 because Laura has zero integrity and morality to talk about or smell.

3. Sunday Chanda

He was eating at State House every week when Edgar Lungu was Republican President. Chanda warmed himself as a spoiled adopted son of the Lungus at Nkwanzi where he adorned himself so close to Madam Esther Lungu, Chawama lawmaker, Tasila Lungu and all key staff of the president. I was equally close to him as Political Advisor to ECL because he was already my friend too. For me, Sunday Chanda became part of extended family as far back as 2017. President Lungu dearly loved Sunday Chanda as PF Media Director and treated him as his own son.

With guidance from ECL, all of us treated Sunday as part of the LUNGU’s inner circle from a party point of view: he was highly privileged. Apart from sacrificin­g a high respected civil servant, former police IG in Hon. Malama to adopt Sunday Chanda on PF ticket in Kanchibiya, President Lungu used his own resources and networks at his disposal to finance and support Sunday Chanda to become a parliament­arian in 2021. I know everything as political programs and campaign activities were under my desk. Chanda ate the best cake in PF.

Shockingly, today, brother Sunday Chanda takes Edgar Lungu for unwanted political asylum seeker who he does not want to mention or associate with anywhere because ECL lost power. Today, Sunday is crawling for something at Community House on HH’s table and presenting himself as Bally’s step son for CDF. This Sunday Chanda even had satanic courage to openly campaign for the UPND in the recent local government by elections in his constituen­cy in the name of HH’s CDF when this is the man who vehemently opposed Bally and called him all demonic names during the PF era.

Many times, I lost with words to describe our brother because his political behavior is not different from the snake of the Garden of Eden. He is a big traitor and shamefully treacherou­s. Well, HH is fooling himself by playing with snakes like our brother. HH will be bitten big and ‘killed’ in 2026 by the same snakes he is carelessly dancing with at Community House-Sunday Chanda is one of these snakes. If he betrayed Lungu who made him reach where he is today, what more our stingy HH who is just throwing empty promises on him? B. conclusion

Snakes can never befriend man perpetuall­y, they just pretend to be cool as long as they’re warm and comfortabl­e. But trust me, snakes soon betray, strike and sometimes kill their own host with their inherit poison: HH must wait for 2026. If HH thinks he is a big snake of our politics specialize­d in mingalato’, he is fooling himself because he now faces bigger and better deadly pythons: he will be nicely swallowed and chewed into pieces! In 2026, Bally will be fixed by voters and his Anaconda snakes will eat him alive and vanish to their new host!

The Author is a Political Scientist, Researcher, Author & Consultant specialize­d in Comparativ­e Global Governance and Democratic Theories. He holds a PhD, MA, BA and Cert in Political Science. Zimba was President Lungu’s Political Advisor from December 2019 to August 2021. By philosophi­cal approach, Dr. Zimba is a Pan Africanist as well as Afro-Christian by religion.

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 ?? ?? Mr Kavindele.
Ms Miti.
Mr Kavindele. Ms Miti.
 ?? ?? President Hichilema.
President Hichilema.
 ?? ?? Mr Chanda.
Mr Chanda.

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