B Metro

Woman teams up with hubby to threaten small house

- Danisa Masuku

IN a typical “the man is mine” fight which turned nasty, a woman from Nkulumane suburb is living in fear after she was subjected to a barrage of insults and threats by her ex-lover and his wife who branded her a prostitute.

The verbal abuse started soon after Allen Kabura and his wife Listerbel Ndlovu stumbled on the story which was published by B-Metro in which Kabura’s ex-lover Melisa Nkosi had dragged him to court over maintenanc­e.

After seeing the story Kabura and his wife became extremely upset with Nkosi and started sending her a salvo of insults via WhatsApp branding her a prostitute.

Allen Kabura and his wife Listerbel Ndlovu

Listerbel’s hard-hitting message reads: “Zwana wena w**le lothuv* (You prostitute) my husband and I are going strong and soon I will descend on you and beat you up. I’m going to deal with you for tarnishing my image.

“You will howl like a dog. Whatever you do, you will not win and you will never fall in love with Allen again. You are wasting your time. Marriage does not suit you. I curse you. You will see, (sic)”.

Kabura also sent Nkosi a threatenin­g message.

“Listen, we have been tolerating you. Look for a job and do something meaningful with your life. Please move on. My future is bright with my wife by my side. You have started a war, watch out and see what we are going to do b***h,” reads Kabura’s message.

Following the threatenin­g messages Nkosi said she was now living in fear.

“I am now afraid they will attack me and this is not the first time they are harassing me. Last year in December Listerbel manhandled me while trying to beat me up before my uncle intervened and restrained her,” she said.

Listerbel and her husband were not reachable for comment.

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