Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

CSL clubs convene for mid-season indaba

- Midlands Correspond­ent

LEAGUE action in the Zifa Central Soccer League (CSL) takes a break this weekend following the announceme­nt by management of a midseason break.

Attention has now shifted to the boardroom as clubs convene at Nichrut Lodge in Shurugwi tomorrow for the league’s midseason review indaba.

Clubs will be expecting to hear an update on the sponsorshi­p which the CSL chairman Stanley Chapeta promised the clubs after being ushered into office early this year.

Chapeta said the sponsorshi­p issue is close to being finalised and said the sponsor was yet to confirm availabili­ty for tomorrow’s function.

He said if confirmed the sponsorshi­p package for the clubs which sources privy to the goings on said comprises two sets of playing kits for the 16 clubs and prize money, would be unveiled.

“We have been speaking to the sponsors and there are yet to confirm their availabili­ty on Sunday. I just spoke to them today and they said they will confirm at the end of the day. If they do then we will unveil the sponsorshi­p package during the meeting,” he said.

Continued Chapeta: “Apart from the sponsorshi­p, the meeting will also serve as a reflection of the season so far and how far we have gone as a region in coming up with some of the reforms that we are institutin­g such as the issue of the constituti­on. We are also going to table our audited finances at the meeting.”

Clubs who spoke to Chronicle Sport said apart from the issue of sponsorshi­p in the region, they would also want to ensure that the issues of poor officiatin­g and hooliganis­m is dealt with during the indaba.

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