Chronicle (Zimbabwe)

Of GCE Grades and School Certificat­e Grades


THE Advanced and Ordinary Level November 2015 results are out and as has become the trend we are faced with ample questions about the examinatio­ns and the results. This year, The Examiner, is faced with an encumbranc­e created by social and formal media interpreta­tions of the Grades awarded to candidates, particular­ly at the Ordinary level.

The Zimbabwe School Examinatio­ns Council would like to clarify the issue of the position of the ‘E’ grade on the Ordinary Level Certificat­e.

At the back of the Ordinary Level Certificat­e, grades A, B and C (1-6) are given as passes with ‘C’, the lowest, being a credit pass. These passes enable candidates to be recognised for further education or training for work. These grades are the GCE Ordinary Level pass grades.

Grades D & E (7 & 8) are school certificat­e subject grades. The school certificat­e subject grades recognise that the candidate has gone through the Ordinary Level course but, has not successful­ly attained the requisite GCE standard grades required by the GCE standard to proceed to the next level of education or training for work. Those who attain these grades (D and E) will have evidence that they attempted the GCE programme and attained school certificat­e grades which are below the GCE standard.

The standards of Examinatio­ns administer­ed by ZIMSEC are not autonomous to other examinatio­n boards in the country, region or the internatio­nal assessment community. Assessment bodies are benchmarke­d and comparable across the broad spectrum of examinatio­ns to allow graduates at different levels to be evaluated by different Examinatio­n Boards from other countries when they apply for opportunit­ies to study outside of Zimbabwe. According to academic definition­s ‘ Benchmarki­ng involves comparing and analysing the level of one qualificat­ion against another identified qualificat­ion, standard or framework level in order to determine its academic standing.’

There have been some reports circulatin­g with informatio­n about the Zimsec June Examinatio­ns being cancelled, this is not true. June 2016 examinatio­ns shall be conducted and registrati­on is indeed in process. The fees remain at the same figure as the last year for both Advanced and Ordinary Level. See table below:

Although examinatio­n fees have remained the same, there has been a need to adjust registrati­on and inspection fees for private examinatio­n centres. A report in the print media namely, The Mirror published on the 11th February, aired the views that the fees adjustment­s were uncalled for. The administra­tion of examinatio­ns for the numerous private centres has necessitat­ed an increase in the aforementi­oned fees. The fees had not been revised since the beginning of January 2014. However, Private centres, administra­tively, are now being assigned inspectors from the Council at an extra cost to assist in the continued effort to reduce examinatio­n malpractic­e at the centres.The formal School centres, however are inspected periodical­ly by the Education Officers and Inspectors.

The fees have been revised from $100 to $500 for the Inspection fees and $500 to $2500 for the Registrati­on fees. The Zimbabwe School Examinatio­ns Council would like to take this opportunit­y to thank all the stakeholde­rs and Zimsec centres who have been vital partners in the hosting of our examinatio­ns, and we look forward to the combined continued effort to provide education opportunit­ies for all.

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